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Grade 12 and Grade 10 English Model Exams from Different Regional States (Ethiopia) for Grades 9-12 Students and English Language Teachers: Compiled by Million Abebe (MA in English/in TEFL)


Background Information

In model exam part (of our website), we provide different model exam questions which are prepared in different regions and schools (government and also private schools: in Ethiopia)! In the future, our website will provide model exams and national exams which are given in neighbouring countries (Sudan, Kenya, Djibouti, Eritrea.. .)!

Two Goals 

  • Our students will get more opportunities to practice these questions and develop their confidence more than ever!
  • Our teachers will be able to share experience from different regions and schools (government and also private schools: in Ethiopia as well as neighbouring countries!
Note: The terms "our students" and "our teachers" refer those who follow this site!
  • Hunda bilisaan "download" godhadhaa!
    • Qormaata Moodeelii kutaa 12ffaa (English)
      sadarkaa Biiroo Barnootaa Naannoolee fi Manneen Barnootaa qopha'an sassaabnee, deebii wajjiin iddoo tokkootti isiif dhiheessineerra! 
    • Link dhumarra jiru click godhaa, hunda bakka takkatti bilisaan "download" godhadhaa!
  • ሁሉንም በነፃ "download" ማድረግ ትችላላችሁ! 
    • የክልል ትምህርት ቢሮዎች ና ት/ቤቶች ደረጃ የሚዘጋጁ የ12ኛ ክፍል English Model ፈተናዎችን ከተለያዩ ከልሎች ና ት/ቤቶች አሰባስበን አንድ ቦታ ከነ መልሳቸው አቅርበንላችኋል!
    • ከታች ያለውን link click በማድረግ ሁሉንም በነፃ "download" ማድረግ ትችላላችሁ!


  1. Abdunefi Abdela said

  2. Barsisaa galataa kan ke kana maal akkan jadhuu na dhibba wly
    Aani nama chiro ira si hordofuu ossoo hin ta'iin H/Baha calaanqoo irahii dhugaa galataa kan ke moo nan dubbadhaa insha allah !!!!

  3. Hedduu na fayyadaa jirta wly thanks


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