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Grade 12 English Model Exams: Only Grammar: Taken from 4 different educational institutions (Ethiopia): Updated April 2023: Compiled by Million Abebe (MA in English)

Dear students, you are given brief information on two things: sources of the exams and 2 recommendations! Read them first!

I. Credit: Sources of the Exams (4 institutions)
The next questions (Grade 12: English Model Exams) were taken from 4 different educational institutions (Ethiopia):
  • Bedessa Preparatory School: 2010 (Government School: Bedessa: West Hararghe: Oromia: Ethiopia)
  • Oromia Education Bureau: 2018: (Regional Education Office: Oromia: Ethiopia)
  • Addis Ababa Education Bureau: 2020 (Regional Education Office: Addis Ababa: Ethiopia)
  • School of Redemption: 2020 (Private School: Addis Ababa: Ethiopia)
We want to give credit to these institutions!
II. Two Key Recommendations (in 3 Languages)
Dear students, whenever, you are asked questions, consider the next two issues carefully!
Before giving/choosing your answers, you must make sure the question is about what  (it is about what)! Do this both while practice and also on exam!
Don't jump questions/worksheets saying "I know/I did it before!"! Do this always while practice!

Local Languages Version
Kabajamoo barattoota, qabxiilee lameen armaan gadii kana xiyyeeffannaa itti kennaa!
Gaafii tokko yeroo deebistan (both while practice and also on exam), gaafichi waa'ee maalii akka ta'e mirkaneeffadhu!
Gaafii/'worksheet' tokko "Kana amma dura hojjedheen jira/niin beeka!" jettee gonkuma irra hin utaaliin!
Deebitee hojjechuu danda'u kee mirkaneessi! Dubbiin ijoon achiirra jirti!
ውድ ተማሪዎች ቀጥለው ያሉትን ነጥቦች በደንብ ትኩረት ስጣቸው!
አንድ ጥያቄ ስትመልሱ፣ መጀመሪያ ጥያቄው ስለ ምን እንደ ሆነ ሳታረጋግጡ መልስ ወደ መምረጥ/መስጠት በፍፁም አትሂዱ!
አንድን ጥያቄ /'worksheet' "ይሄን ከዚህ በፊት አውቀዋለሁ/ሰርቼዋለሁ..." ብላችሁ በፍፁም አትዝለሉት!
ትልቁ ነገር ከዚህ በፊት መስራታችሁ ወይም አለመስራታችሁ አይደለም! ዋናው ነገር አሁን/በምትጠየቁበት ሰዓት ደግማችሁ መስራት መቻላችሁን ነው ማረጋገጥ ያለብቻሁ!

Instruction: All the next questions are about grammar! Read each of them carefully and choose the best answer. 
  • Do them on a piece of paper!
  • After you complete, don't forget to get correction (see the correct answers: at the END)!
  • There are 120 questions which are grouped under 6 challenges (1, 2, ...)! 
The first version was posted on August 2022! 
This is the updated version: Updated: April 2023!
 Challenge 1
1. We sent him the money__the beginning of this. So, it can reach him ___ time for his graduation.
A. in /in B. at/at C. at /in  D. at/on
2. Misrak was the only one of the girls who ___to join university because of personal problem.
A. were willing          B. was not willing
C. were not willing  D. are not willing
3. This year, most of students are studying day and night  ____they decided to score best grade _____they can join the department they like.
A. in order that /because  
B. because /as to
C. because /in order that 
D. however /there fore
4.  Lelise need not have said that she was guilty. Means:
A. She should not have said that she was  guilty but she said.
B. It was not necessary for her to say that. But she said it.
C. It was not necessary for her to say that. But she did not say.
D. She must not say that she was guilty.
5. None of the students_____ the assignment properly.
A. has done       B. have done 
C. were done    D. did
6. They have not got _____furniture for their house.
A. plenty   B. many   C. some  D. much
7. They ____their assignments.
A. are nearly finishing
B. have nearly finished
C. nearly have finished
D. nearly finish
8. When we met him, he _____ his new suit.
A. has worn          B. had worn
C. was wearing   D. is wearing
9. _____ cold the weather is Abdisa always wear t-shirt.
A. Even though            
B. No matter how
C. Despite the fact that 
D. None them
10. I had forgotten my pen, but  _____ I was able to borrow my friend’s.
A. lucky    B.  luckily    C. luckly    D. luck
11. Dr. Robinson gives _____ comments on my senior essay paper.
A. reasonable      B. reasonable
C reasonible        D. reasonably
12. _____ discuss the problem next week as there is a little time to day.
A. They need not     
B. They’d to   
C. They'd  better   
D. They ought not to.
13. The baby is crying but there is not _____ milk.
A. nothing     B.  any      C. anything  D. some
14. Bedru has been to Bahirdar. Means:
A. Bedru is back from Bahirdar.
B. Bedru is still in Bahirdar.
C. It is difficult to answer this.
D. He is nearly went to Bahirdar .
15. None of them will be in Dire Dawa when they ____ eighty years old.                                                                                    
A. will have been               B. will be      
C. would have been          D. are
16. Either of my students ________ the correct answer.
A. known            B. knows
C. are known     D. knowing
17. If he _________ them about that bomb, they __________.
A. had not told /would not have been killed
B. had told /would have been killed
C. told /would not have been killed
D. had not told / would have been killed
18. I have not ________ money, but I can give you ________ oranges.
A. no/some       B. any /any
C. any /some    D. anything /something
19. Kenenisa, ______ is the most famous athlete of the planate, comes from Arsi Zone.
A. who  B. whom C. which        D. ____
20. Almaz is the girl____ in the park yesterday.
A. who you saw her 
B. Which you saw
C. who you saw  
D. whom you saw her


1. I __________ my new job next week.
A. will start              B. will be starting 
C. am starting         D. start
2. Western countries are the vanguard nations of _______.
A. modern                B. modernize 
C. modernization   D. modernized
3. ________ Hanna is pretty, she has nasty manner.
A. In spite of          B. Although 
C. However            D. Despite of
4. ______ the eldest child, my sister pretends _____ a mother.
A. Like/ as             B. Like/ like 
C. As/ like              D. As/ as
5. I am desperate by car accident ____ I am unable to take exam.
A. as       B. since 
C. so      D. because
6. Six Ethiopian delegates _______ from abroad.
A. return                     B. returned 
C. were returning   D. have returned
7. All those women are pretty but that one is _______.
A. prettier              B. more pretty 
C. the prettiest   D. most pretty
8. You _____ borrow these books now if you like.
A. must          B. have to
C. used to     D. may
9. Give me the plate _______ belongs to my grandmother.
A. whose      B. whom 
C. which      D. who
10. If we _______ the amount of grazing land, we could grow more crops.
A. erode             B. reduce 
C. produce       D. increase
11. I have a _______ couple neighbor. They feel ______.
A. childish/ lonely         B. child/ loneliness 
C. childless/ lonely      D. child/ lonely
12.  I haven't seen my sister since last Easter means:-
A. I saw my sister on Easter. 
B. I always meet my sister except last Easter.
C. I didn't see my sister after the last Easter. 
D. I couldn't see my sister before Easter.
13. Some students _______ serious about their education as others.
A. are less          B. are more 
C. are not as     D. are the least
14. We have little milk left in the fridge. But there is even _____ juice.
A. less         B. more little 
C. more      D. much
15. The new instructor has decided ____ her profession because he has never felt comfortable with it.
A. change         B. to change 
C. changing    D. in changing
16. We don’t advise _________ drugs as it leads to miserable life.
A. smoke           B. for smoking 
C. to smoke     D. smoking
17. My sister is used to ____ for a long time now; she was not when she was a first year student.
A. studying        B. study
C. studied          D. studies
18. I would like _____ in London, but life is too hard there.
A. to live           B. live 
C. living            D. to living
19. When you write the letter, your hand writing ____ clear, otherwise no one will be able to read it.
A. could be        B. can’t be 
C. must be        D. mustn’t be
20. Yesterday, the fire alarm in our apartment went and we ______ out of the building in two minutes.
A. could have been        B. must be 
C. have to                           D. had to be


21. Our English teacher says we ___________ speak English fluently in a few months if we learn it attentively.
A. are able to          B. will be able to 
C. were able to      D. could
22. You have had that bad headache for two days. I think you ________ go to the doctor.
A. should         B. can 
C. might          D. had better
23. I was listening very carefully but I_______ understand what she said.
A. might         B. couldn’t 
C. could         D. wasn’t able to
24. They fled the country because of the _______ situation there.
A. terrified        B. terrifyingly 
C. terrify           D. terrifying
25. This man has the ____ habit of eating with his open mouth. That’s really an aggravating.
A. annoying         B. annoyed 
C. pleasing          D. pleased
26. John lives in a big villa ____ he inherited from his parents.
A. whose             B. who 
C. which             D. whom
27. The man _________ wife is fanning herself with the newspaper is the company’s communication director.
A. who               B. whose 
C. whom          D. of which
28. It was the most interesting play that I ________ in my life.
A. have ever attended 
B. had never attended 
C. had ever attended 
D. have never attended
29. I _____ a beautiful beach until I went to Madagascar. That was my first experience for that kind of beach.
A. had seen                   B. saw 
C. had never seen      D. have never seen
30. Adam is _________ about all the troubles he caused to you. That why he’s always trying to show you apologetic smile.
A. worried           B. angry 
C. excited            D. sorry
31. I am very proud ___ my daughter, she worked very hard.
A. of     B. in    C. for   D. to
32. My younger sister Jane really hates ham and she has_____ eaten meat like that in her life.
A. still     B. never     C. ever    D. always
33. I have ________ finished painting the wall, so you don’t have to touch it as the ink may spoil your hand.
A. never          B. still 
C. just             D. now
34. Babies don’t like loud noises. So, most people speak ___________ than usual when they are talking to a baby.
A. more softer       B. more softly 
C. most softly        D. softer
35. I saw some chocolates at the candy store. They looked delicious, so I bought some and they tasted just _____________.
A. as bad as they looked 
B. as good as they looked 
C. better as they looked 
D. the best as they looked
36. She gave _________all the money to the poor and the needy.
 A. out      B. through     C. in    D. away
37. You can hardly avoid ______ her if you both working in the same office.
A. to meet        B. for meeting 
C. meet             D. meeting
38. The ________ you prepared yourself for the exam, the _______ mark you get.
A. earlier/best          B. early/best 
C. earlier/good        D. earlier/better
39. The teacher said to me, “Why were you absent yesterday?” The reported speech of this is:
A. The teacher asked me why was I absent the day before.
C. The teacher asked me that I had been absent the day before.
B. The teacher asked me why were you absent the day before?
D. The teacher asked me why I had been absent the day before
40. Solomon is a good speaker. _____ he also writes very well.
A. In addition,           B. However,  
C. Consequently,    D. Thus,


 41. If you don’t mind, I ___ finish my coffee before we leave.
A. would have         B. would like 
C. would rather      D. would
42. I think teacher Chala ______ in this school since 1990 or may be earlier.
A. has thought       B. teaches 
C. is teaching         D. taught
43. I enjoyed reading the story. It was rather sad, _____.
A. also               B. so 
C. but                D. though
44. I am a hard working person in the organization. I hope_______ the promotion.
A. to get           B. for getting 
C. to                  D. in getting
45. ______ they had been waiting in line all night, I was sure they would get tickets.
A. As though         B. Since 
C. Because of       D. Until
46. As soon as the war was over, the refugees______ to go back to the villages they ______ about five years earlier.
A. tried / had left 
B. have tried / were left 
C. had tried / left 
D. were tried / have left
47. Remember to wear a helmet _______ your head is protected.
A. inorder that             B. so as 
C. in order to that      D. to
48. Once you __ in to a routine, you’ll find the work is quite easy.
A. are settling          B. settled 
C. have settled       D. will settle
49. He _______ to take part.
A. advised not them 
B. offered them not 
C. invited them not 
D. ordered them not
50. The teachers were talking about a trip to see castles and the students were wondering ______
A. why to go.               B. when it was. 
C. where they go?    D. what were they?
51. In my dream, my uncle offered me a ride on his motor bike and I told him I would rather _____.
A. walk            B. walked 
C. walking     D. to walk
52. If you borrow something from someone, make sure you give ________.
A. them back to it          B. it back to them 
C. back it to them          D. it to back them
53. When we heard the good news, we were _______.
A. delight           B. delighting 
C. delighted     D. delights
54. If attendance is for attend, then _______ is for admit.
A. admit                 B. admission 
C. admittedly      D. admitting
55. While I __________ TV, I heard Tariku talking to a policeman.
A. watched               B. am watching 
C. was watching    D. had been watching
56. Abeba _________ that she lived in a small village.
A. said to me        B. said me 
C. told me             D. told
57. If he ____ enough time, he ___ his children to a picnie.
A. had/would take 
B. had had/would have taken 
C. had/would have taken 
D. had/will take
58. Her boss wouldn’t let her _________ out early.
A. to go         B. going 
C. go              D. gone
59. I’m going to take my umbrella________ it rains.
A. if               B. incase 
C. when     D. while
60. The exam was so difficult. I wish it_______ easy.
A. will be       B. has been 
C. were          D. had been


61. The police aren’t sure how the incident happened. They say it _______ an accident.
A. might not have been 
B. couldn’t have been 
C. might be 
D. could be
62. My bag, ________ I had left at the gate, had disappeared.
A. which         B. whom 
C. that             D. who
63. I expect you ______ your mind by tomorrow.
 A. will change 
B. will have been changed 
C. will have changed 
D. will be changing
64. What an awful thing! I thought the weather would be ___ in Aril, but it actually got ___.
 A. worse/better 
B. better/worse  
C. good/better 
D. good/worse
65. There are many occasions when seat-belts save life, yet only _____ drivers often wear them.
 A. little         B. a little  
C. a lot of     D. few
66. I was hoping to find some money in your bag, but I did not get_______.
 A. many       B. any 
C. a few         D. some
67. I don’t know why she wouldn’t lend us one if she________ two books.
 A. has             B. had  
C. has had    D. had had
68. ___________ corona virus, we could go out of our houses.
 A. But for the fact that 
B. I wish 
C. But for       
D. If only
69. Everything _________ before they saw it.
 A. clean                    B. is cleaned 
C. has cleaned       D. had cleaned
70. ‘’I was studying at the high school in 1980,” she said. When we report this:
A. She said that I was studying at high school in 1980. 
B. She said that she has been studying at high school in 1980. 
C. She said that she had studied at high school in 1980. 
D. She said that she had been studied at high school in 1980.
71. That is the man _________ I gave the book.
A. who              B. which 
C. to whom    D. whose
72. She hardly speak English; _________?
A. has she        B. doesn’t she 
C. can’t she    D. does she
73. The driver has to stop the car and buy some petrol because there ____ in the tank.
A. aren't many       B. isn't much 
C. aren't any           D. isn't many
74. A young girl who is away from her mother and father for the first time often _____.
A. miss her              B. misses her 
C. misses them     D. miss them
75. Our house's doors are always _______ before everyone leaves the room.
A. close          B. closes 
C. closing      D. closed
76. Which of the following sentences is correctly written?
A. The principal bought for the school some new books.
B. The principal bought some new books the school.
C. The principal bought the school some new books.
D. The principal bought for some new books the school.
77. The novel ________ was very difficult to understand.
A. which write                 B. that he wrote it 
C. which were write      D. he wrote
78. My wife is driving my car because she couldn't start _______ this morning.
A. her      B. it     C. hers     D. his
79. My daughter wouldn't go to medical school if she already ___ a medical doctor.
A. will be        B. were 
C. is                  D. would be
80. Most people need about eight hours of sleep every day. A few people, ______, need only four hours of sleep.
A. therefore                        B. hence 
C. on the other hand      D. because


81. Have you seen the maid servant? She hasn't come home _______.
A. still    B. yet     C. already   D. till
82. The woman over there looks _____ a well-known journalist.
A. like    B. as       C. likes        D. similar
83. There is nothing better than this television that gives me the_______ news.
A. last   B. latest   C. later   D. latter
84. My younger brother was looking ___ a new research title for his dissertation.
A. at      B. in          C. on       D. for
85. Our students _____ come to school every Friday before the Ethiopian Easter as it is the Crucifixion day.
 A. must                     B. must not 
C. don't have to     D. don't have
86. When will you_______ give us the next tutorial, sir?
 A. be able to       B. could 
C. can                    D. able to
87. The teachers are definitely not coming to the party, _______?
A. are they           B. are they 
C. aren't they     D. don'they
88. Her father told me that he had never been to ____ more beautiful than Bahir Dar.
A. nowhere         B. somewhere 
C. anywhere      D. everywhere
89. I wish I _____ that expensive jacket on my daughter's birthday party last week.
A. didn't buy        B. don't buy 
C. bought              D. hadn't bought
90. They will have eaten all the food by the time we ______home.
A. will arrive        B. arrive 
C. arrived             D. will be
91. I can't stand ________ parties where I don't know anyone.
A. to go to         B. to going to 
C. going to       D. going
92. Which of the following sentences show that all of the bananas are rotten?
A. The bananas that I bought on Monday are rotten. 
B. Some of the bananas which I bought on Monday are rotten.
C. Almost all of the bananas which I bought on Monday are rotten. 
D. The bananas, which I bought on Monday, are rotten.
93. Do you mind telling me how much ____ for your children's school fee each month?
 A. you spend           B. you do spend 
C. do you spend     D. spend you
94. Nobody understood that word, _________?
A. did it                     B. did you 
C. didn't they        D. did they
95. We all look forward __________ you soon.
A. see                        B. to see 
C. to seeing            D. seeing
96. Her father begged her to _________ more of an effort in class.
A did    B. made    C. do    D. make
97. If you _________ me, I _______ in real trouble last week.
A. didn't help, would have 
B. hadn't helped, would have been 
C. hadn't helped, would be 
D. didn't help, would have been
98. My friend advised me ________again.
A. not to be late           B. to not be late 
C. to don't be late       D. don't to late
99. If the answer is “Since September”, which of these questions is correct?
A. How long will you be here? 
B. How long are you here?
C. How long were you here? 
D. How long have you been here?
100. Love always _______________.
A. forgive           B. forgives 
C. forgiven        D. had forgiven

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