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English Model Exam: for Grade 12 Students: by 2 Schools in Chiro Town (West Hararghe):

1. This exam has been prepared under the administration of Chiro Administrative Town: Education Office (Chercher CRC: 2 Secondary Schools) by the above mentioned teachers!
2. There are two main purposes for sharing this exam! So that other students will be able to get it and practice it! Second, so as not the exam will be "use and throw" rather to be 're-used for the centuries to come!'
Time Allowed: 2hrs

SECTION ONE: Word Order  

DIRECTION: The following words are NOT in the proper order and also not correct in punctuations and/or capitalization. When put in the right order, they make correct English sentences. From the given alternatives, choose the one that is correct in word order, in punctuations and/or capitalization and blacken the letter of your choice in the separate answer sheet.  
1. 125 Birr to get amount, you need last 30 to spend, at least during days this.
A. To get this amount, you need to spend, at least, 125 Birr during last 30 days.  
B. You need to spend, at least, 125 Birr to get this amount during last 30 days.
C. To get this amount during last 30 days, you need to spend, at least, 125 Birr.
D. To get at least 125 Birr, you need to spend this amount during the last 30 days.
2. word Beka was detective allowed to leave the room as soon as he gave his to the
A. Beka was allowed to leave the room, as soon as he gave his word to the detective.  
B. As soon as Beka was allowed to leave the room, he gave his word to the detective.  
C. As soon as Beka gave his word to the detective, he was allowed to leave the room.
D. As soon as Beka was given to leave the room, Beka allowed his word to the detective.
3. ministry our company Gelesa starts his official visit to the of civil service because of his exceptional manager performance management tomorrow
A. Our company manager Gelesa starts his official visit to the ministry of civil service tomorrow because of his exceptional performance management.
B. Because of his exceptional management performance, Our company manager, Gelesa, starts his official visit to the Ministry of Civil Service tomorrow.
C. Our company manager Gelesa starts his official visit to the Ministry of Civil Service tomorrow because of his exceptional management performance.
D. Because of his exceptional management performance, our company manager, Gelesa, starts his official visit to the Ministry of Civil Service tomorrow.
4. Again don't say like don't that her to me I like to talk anything about
A. I don't like to talk about her; don't say anything like that to me again!
B. Don't talk anything like that about her; I say to me again don't like to!
C. Don't say anything like that to me again; I don't like to talk about her.
D. Don't say anything like that to me again, I don't like to talk about her.

SECTION TWO: Paragraph Writing

A. Paragraph Coherence  

DIRECTION: When put in the correct order, sentences a-e in each of the next questions make up a complete paragraph. From the alternatives given in each case, choose the letter that contains the correct order of the sentences & blacken the corresponding letter provided in the separate answer sheet.    
a. It aims to stimulate students’ interest and curiosity.     
b. The introduction is oral-based.   
c. The introduction section introduces the topic. 
d. It consists mostly of discussion or question-and-answer exercises.
e. It also helps the teacher to elicit their prior knowledge about the topic so that new language and skills can be built on what students already know.   
A. c e a b d       B. c a e b d  
C. d a e b c       D. e a c b d  
a. They are taught to write paragraphs using topic sentences and support sentences.
b. Exercises aim to develop a range of writing including descriptive, narrative, discursive and expository texts.
c. Students are also taught to take notes and to summarize texts in their own words.
d. Students learn to write for different purposes and to use the appropriate register and style.  
e. In the writing sections, a variety of skills are developed.
A. e b d c a        B. a d b c e 
C. e d a c b        D. e d b c a  
a. The spectacular monastery of Debre Damo is situated on an isolated mountain top in one of the wildest parts of Tigray.
b. I believe that everyone should visit it.
c. The most interesting part of my holiday was a visit to Debre Damo monastery.  
d. It is further two hours stiff uphill climb from the point where the road ends.    
e. The monastery is some four hours drive from Axum.
A. c e b a d        B. c a d e b 
C. c e d a b        D. e c d a b 

B. Identifying the Main /Central Idea

DIRECTION: Read each paragraph carefully and identify the main /central idea.

My husband worries about our two eldest children. He is a pessimist and thinks the worst will happen. But I trust them to do the right thing. I support my daughter absolutely. When I was 15 my father made me leave school and I was  married two years after that. I want her to do the best she can.
8. What is the central theme of the above paragraph?  
A. The husband is pessimist about their children.
B. The wife is optimist about their children.
C. The wife trust their children.
D. Both the wife and the husband have opposite views about their children.
The book is thorough in its coverage but pays most attention to points that are of importance to intermediate and advanced learners of English, and to their teachers. It will be found equally suitable for quick reference to details and for the more leisured study of broad grammar topics.
9. Which one is the main idea of the above paragraph?
A. The book is thorough in its coverage. 
B. This paragraph gives more information about the book.  
C. The book is important not only for students but also for teachers.
D. The book deals with broader grammar topics. 
A metaphor is a figure of speech that makes a comparison between two unlike things. As a literary device, metaphor creates implicit comparisons without the express use of “like” or “as.” Metaphor is a means of asserting that two things are identical in comparison rather than just similar. This is useful in literature for using specific images or concepts to state abstract truths.
10. The above paragraph:  
A. is about making comparison without the use of "like" or "as". 
B. is generally, about figure of speech and specifically about metaphor. C. talks about how useful metaphor is.
D. talks generally, about metaphor and specifically about making comparison without the use of "like" or "as".

SECTION THREE: General Writing  

DIRECTION: The following questions are related to different types of writing. Read each of them and choose the best answer from the four alternative answers, A-D, given.
11. Which one of the following sentences is correct in
punctuation and capitalization?
A. Dear customer, You have received Mobile Internet Package 35MB to be expired after 24 Hours
B. Dear customer, you have received mobile internet package 35MB to be expired after 24 hours.
C. Dear customer You have received Mobile Internet Package 35MB to be expired after 24 hours.
D. Dear customer, you have received Mobile Internet Package 35MB to be expired after 24 hours.
12. One of the following sentences is correct in
punctuation and capitalization. Which one is it?
A. The EU which gets a quarter of its oil and 40% of 
its gas from Russia, says it will switch to alternative supplies and make Europe independent from Russian energy "well before 2030".
B. The EU, which gets a quarter of its oil and 40% of
its gas from Russia says it will switch to alternative supplies and make Europe independent from Russian energy well before 2030.  
C. The EU, which gets a quarter of its oil and 40% 
of its gas from Russia, says it will switch to alternative supplies and make Europe independent from Russian energy "well before 2030".  
D. The EU which gets a quarter of its oil and 40% 
of its gas from Russia says it will switch to alternative supplies and  make Europe independent from Russian energy well before 2030. 
13. Which one of the following is correctly punctuated?  
A. “I have explained to you more than 10 times!" he said angrily, "but you haven't yet understood it!" 
B. I have explained to you more than 10 times," he said angrily, "but you haven't yet understood it"!
C. “I have explained to you more than 10 times," he said angrily, "but you haven't yet understood it!"
D. “I have explained to you more than 10 times!" he said angrily, "but you haven't yet understood it"!
14. One of the following sentences is correct in punctuation and capitalization. Which one is it?
A. We, the students of this century, are lucky; we have a lot of options to learn our education either digitally or manually.
B. We the students of this century, are lucky: we have a lot of options to learn our education, [either digitally or manually].
C. We, the students of this century, are lucky: we have a lot of options to learn our education (either digitally or manually).
D. We, the students of this century, are lucky: we have a lot of options to learn our education either digitally or manually.
15. "US and NATO have been imposing a lot of 
sanctions against Russia since Russia began special war on Ukraine. These sanctions include, individual sanctions, economic sanctions, restrictions on media, diplomatic measures..." What kind of writing is this most likely taken from? 
A. descriptive    B. expository
C. narrative        D. argumentative
16. "US and NATO have been imposing a lot of 
sanctions against Russia since Russia began special war on Ukraine. These sanctions include, individual sanctions, economic sanctions, restrictions on media, diplomatic measures...  But none of these has brought any impact on Russia." What kind of writing is this most likely taken from? 
A. narrative       B. argumentative
C. descriptive   D. expository  
17. "US and NATO have been imposing floods of 
sanctions one after another against Russia since Russia began special war on Ukraine. It looks like the only weapon they have is sanction." This writing is most likely: 
A. argumentative     B. descriptive
C. narrative               D. expository  
18. Yared has written job application letter to 
Ethio Telecom. Which one of the followings expressions should be his letter's opening and closing respectively?  
A. Dear sir/faithfully
B. Dear Manager/Expecting your response
C. Dear Sir/Madam Yours truly
D. Hello Doctor Kelbessa/With respect
19. "Correlation of student participation in 
practice exams and actual exam performance" this piece of writing could be taken from which part/section of a research? 
A. Introduction     B. Title
C. Conclusion      D. Data Analysis  
20. Which one of the following words is wrong in spelling?
A. persistent         B. discrepancy
C. performance   D. conferrence
21. "A man walked into a hotel, saw a nice coat, 
put it over his arm and walked out again...." What kind of writing is this most likely taken from? 
A. argumentative     B. descriptive
C. narrative                D. expository
22. One of the following sentences best illustrates 
 expository writing. Which one is it?
A. Two months ago, I bought this latest fridge.
B. I phoned to the company from which I had bought this fridge, but nobody came.
C. If someone is HIV/AIDS negative, then he/she should be careful in the future.
D. Ethiopia is a multi ethnic, multi cultural country.
23. The next points are taken from which parts of 
research respectively ...  "How to Improve Students' Note Taking?" "Most students record notes, which is good, because note taking serves both a process and product function."
A. Questionnaire and conclusion
B. Title and conclusion
C. Title and recommendation
D. Title and methodology  
24. "I, personally, got very shocked and regretted 
when I heard your father's death.. .." 
A. Apology letter       B. Appreciation letter
C. Complaint letter   D. Condolence letter  
25. All of the followings could be mentioned both 
in CV (Curriculum Vitae) and application letter except one. Which one is it? 
A. Education background   B. Work experience
C. Greeting   D. Name of applicant  

SECTION FOUR: Communication Questions  

DIRECTION: The next questions are presented in the form of dialogue. The part said by one of the speaker is given, and a blank space is left for the other. For each of the blank spaces, 4 alternative answers, A-D, are given. Choose the alternative that is most appropriate to complete the dialogue and blacken the letter of your choice in the space provided in the answer sheet.  
26. Biden: Hi sir, are you from Germany? 
 Putin: _________________.
A. No, I do not have Germany Visa yet.
B. Sure, we both went to the same university.
C. Yes, I am actually like to live in Germany. 
D. Yes, I am. I am here, in Germany, for vacation.
27. Gezahegn: _________________ 
Murad: He's medical doctor.
A. What is your sisters' profession?
B. Who is a journalist?
C. What does your brother do?
D. What do you know about your brother?
28. Murtessa: _________________
 Nati: It’s just 9:00 o’clock.  
A. Breakfast isn’t ready.
B. What time is it why don't you tell me in advance.
C. Please, could you tell me time?
D. Remember to tell the exact time for lunch
29. Receptionist: Sir, what can I help you?
Customer: _____________
A. I don't want any help from you!
B. I want to speak to the manager.
C. What do you want?
D. Whom do you want?  
30. Hanan: I am free tonight; I am going to watch
the match between Chelsea and Arsenal. Keneni,   _____________ 
 Keneni: Oh! Interesting! As I am free, too, I would.
A. Would you like to come along?
B. Of course. I should see my boyfriend.
C. How about going out for Obse's party?
D. Did he say it would cost more than 91 billion Ethiopian Birr?
31. Mufti: Ministry of Education said that Grade
12 National Exam is given in online format. What do you think?  
Tesfaye: ________________  
A. It is very interesting plan; I absolutely agree!
B. I absolutely disagree; it is very interesting plan!
C. It really is demanding in terms of financial input. I hope it will avoid exam cheating.  
D. I think, the Ministry will not be able to cover the cost of tablets for the exam as it really is not demanding in terms of financial input.
32. Stranger: Dear madam, do you live in Chiro?
 Meron: ______________.
 Stranger: Well, ______ the direction to Oda Bultum University?
A. Yes, I do/could you please show me
B. No, I am planning to move to Adama /could I please show you
C. No, I don't/could you please show me
D. No, I don't/why couldn't you please show me
33. Macron: Sir, do you speak French?
 Getahun: _______________. But I want to learn it.  
A. Why not; I speak very well
B. I speak only a little
C. I speak Spanish fluently
D. I don't like to speak French
34. Habib: The war in Ukraine has been affecting
the whole world in many ways.  
 Lema: __________________.  
A. Yes, for example, it damaged almost all the factories in Ukraine!
B. Sure. I can’t believe it myself. It has been knocking at each and everybody's door.  
C. They demolished everything.
D. All these damages have changed very fast everywhere in the country.
35. Obama: Abay, have you heard that Bayisa bought
the new building in front of the university? 
 Abay: _____________
A. Do they pay him well?
B. What? You should be kidding!
C. He can now drive us around.
D. He is making a lot of money, I guess.  
36. Beza: Bety is very depressed today. Didn't you see that
she was crying in the class? What could  have happened to her?
 Sora: _____________
A. She might have won the lottery.
B. She might have heard something wrong about her mom.
C. Yes, she doesn’t like people to talk to her.
D. She need not have cried in the class.
37. Gelete: Can you tell me why you forget the umbrella?
 Senait: ________________________________
A. In my opinion, this umbrella is very expensive. B. I think there is no rain in the afternoon.
C. It is not essential to buy umbrella.
D. Don’t mention it.
38. Lelise: What a shame! Helen has been caught for the
 third time while she was copying answers from other student.
 John: ____________________
A. She should have studied hard; she failed again.
B. I don't know why most students cheat on exam.
C. She must be one of the most intelligent students.
D. She shouldn't have done that again. You know she was given the last warning last time.  
39. Mulugeta: Jemal, would you like to be with us on my
 party next Sunday?  
 Jemal: _______________________________
A. I’m not really sure; I think we will enjoy it.
B. I m afraid I can't be. I've got a test next week.
C. Participating on party is very difficult.
D. Thank you, but it is not their concern.
40. Kidist: Danawit has missed a lot of simple questions
 on today's exam. She always make this type of silly mistake on exam.
 Lemlem: I think, she _____________
A. should practice more questions; identify her common errors and solve them before exam.
B. should have to practice more questions; identify her common errors and solve them before exam.
C. must have practiced more questions; identified her common errors and solved them before exam.
D. needn't have practiced more questions; identified her common errors and solved them before exam.
41. Yared: The cost of living is rising more and more.  
Tola: _________________________
A. It’s due to man – made and natural problems. B. I went to buy some sugar and it was expensive.  
C. Rich people are becoming richer.
D. Poor people do not care.
42. Selam: My boss is a very strict person, and I don’t think
 she will allow me to go for my graduation.
Dawit: ________________________
A. Strict bosses are always inflexible.
B. Why don’t you ask her permission only for two days?
C. We will go together for your graduation.
D. When is your graduation day?
43. Felmeta: What are all these stuff for?
Ahmed: ______________________
A. I don’t think they are expensive.
B. My father has given me all.
C. All are old and useless.
D. They were bought for our school library.
44. Biftu: What should be done to improve students’
 English language proficiency?
Seman: ________________________________
A. Students are not interested in English.
B. The government, teachers and students need to work hard cooperatively.
C. English language is not used as a second language in our country.
D. English language is widely used all over the world.
45. Getu: Kena didn’t say even a word about his sister’
A. Marriage is a difficult life experience.
B. His sister is a university student.  
C. He must have been unhappy about her marriage.
D. Kena loves his sister so much.  

SESCTION FIVE: Grammar Questions

DIRECTION: The next questions are incomplete sentences. There are 4 alternative words/phrases, A-D, given below each question. Choose the word or phrase that best completes the sentences and blacken the letter of your choice in the separate answer sheet.  
46. I didn’t see you _______ the party ________
Saturday. Where were you? 
A. at/on    B. on/at    C. on/on D. at/at
47. The most helpful person in the group is __________ .
 A. she    B. her    C. herself   D. him
48. When the plan is presented, I shall favor __________
 A. it    B. its    C. it’s   D. its’
49. Ethiopia is in ___ Eastern Arica; Liberia is in ___ West.
 A. a/a     B. the/the     C. __/the     D. the/a
50. The director _________ his dinner at the moment, but
will tell him you here as soon as he has finished. 
 A. is eating         B. eats 
C. has eaten       D. was eating
51. It is midnight I __________ for five straight hours.
No wonder I am getting tired. 
A. studied       B. have been studying
C. had had     D. had been studying
52. Halfway to the lake, we remembered that we
_________ to bring the picnic basket  
A. forgot     B. have forgotten
C. forget     D. had forgotten
53. Early to bed and early to rise ________ a man
healthy, wealthy and wise.  
A. make B. makes 
C. have made D. are making
54. One of the arguments he offered _________
especially convincing. 
A. seem       B. have seeming
C. seems    D. seeming
55. I don’t have enough money, but if I ________, 
 I would buy it.
A. didn’t    B. did    
C. do         D. had
56. Any ________ person knows that smoking is a
 destructive habit.
A. think           B. thought 
C. thinking     D. thinks
57. I let my friend _________ my dictionary. 
 A. borrow         B. to borrow
C. borrowing    D. to borrowing
58. They gave me some oranges and some cabbages.
________ are my favorite fruit.
A. the later        B. the farmer
C. the latter      D. the previous
59. He had ________ crooked toe that no shoes would fit
A. very                  B. such very
C. such a very     D. so very  
60. He didn’t like his wife cooking. _________ he decided to
 eat a nearby restaurant.
A. Therefore,      B. For all that
C. Though           D. So  
61.______ I told you I’m going to worker very hard, in
A. Like     B. Since   C. As    D. As soon as  
62. I often drink hot drinks ____________ coffee and tea.
 A. As    B. like   C. but   D. ;however,
63. I wish I were live with my mother. Means __________.
A. I’m living with my mother now
B. I will live with my mother  
C. I’m not living with my mother now
D. I don’t want to live with my mother
64. The longer I stayed with my aunt, _________.
A. the more the angrier I became
B. the more I got to know her
C. the most angriest I became
D. the most I got to know her
65. The events in the book _________ from the author’s life.
 A. was taken      B. were taken
C. took                 D. has taken
66. There were four books on the table ________ book had
 a different colour.
A. each                           B. every
C. every of the book    D. each of the
67. His ideas are very difficult, but ________ people
 understand them.
A. few   B. a few   C. little   D. a little  
68. Derara was a clever student. He attended school
 regularly and studied hard with his friends____ he would get very good marks in all subjects.
A. to   B. so   C. so that   D. therefore  
69. Dr. Ebsa is a physician _____ everyone witnesses for his
 humble and kind treatment.
A. that            B. whom 
C. whose       D. which  
70. Alemu _____ in this school for 5 years and then moved
 to Adama.  
A. has worked         B. had worked
C. works                   D. worked  
71. Reshid likes eating raw meat and so do his friends, but
A. neither does his brother
B. his brother doesn’t
C. his brother does
D. nor doesn’t his brother  
72. I took my mother to the cinema yesterday, but I was
 not interested in the film and ______.
A. so was my mother
B. my mother was either
C. neither was my mother
D. neither wasn’t my mother  
73. My brother’s wedding was very nice and surprising to
our family. Unfortunately, I was out of town by that time. I wish I ______ there.  
A. had been         B. am
C. were                 D. would be  
74. He is the richest person in this small town. He owns a
business ______ capital is about 200 million birr.  
A. which          B. whose 
C. whom         D. that  
75. I could have caught up the bus if I _______ early at the
A. arrive                             B. arrived
C. would have arrived     D. had arrived  
76. _____ a respected teacher, Hiwot should have made
good preparation and shouldn’t have shouted at her students. She must have been angry with something.  
A. Like    B. For   C. As    D. Since  
77. I would like you to come to my birthday party next
Sunday. I will draw a map for you _____ you can’t find my house.  
A. in case     B. if   C. when   D. but  
78. My friend has built a very beautiful house. It is ______ a
A. as    B. like   C. for   D. that  
79. The head of the school told me to call all my friends to
his office but I could find _______.
A. neither      B. both 
C. no              D. none  
80. They intend to buy a new model car. They seem ______
a lot of money.  
A. to have     B. having 
C. have         D. to having  
81. A lot of people are migrating to foreign countries.
Have you ever considered ____ to live in another country?
A. going      B. go 
C. to go       D. have gone  
82. Only a few students disturbed the class but most of
them _______.
A. dismissed              B. were dismissed
C. were dismissing   D. have dismissed  
83. If Rahel practiced acting every day, she ______ the best
film actress.
A. will be        B. would have been
C. is                 D. would be  
84. Kamila was employed in this hospital as soon as she
was graduated as a nurse and she is still working here she _______ for 10 years.  
A. works       B. has worked
C. worked    D. is working  
85. The doctor has warned him frequently not to take any
alcohol ______ he is not willing to obey.
A. although   B. however   C. so   D. yet
109. The African continent was under colonialism for ages.
 It was ______ from European imperialism in the second half of the 20th century.  
A. separated      B. liberated
C. evacuated     D. migrated  
110. The fire caused great damage to property estimated
 at 10 million birr. The police are _____ the cause of the fire.
A. looking forward to   B. looking into 
C. looking up                 D. looking out  
111. The main road into the city is too _______ and the
council is going to widen it.
A. narrow   B. short    C. long   D. small  
112. It is ______ that lack of funds means the new bridge
project cannot go ahead.
A. possible       B. unfortunate
C. interesting   D. legal  

B. Substitution

DIRECTION: For the next question, each of the sentences has an under lined word or phrase. There are four alternatives A-D given often each sentence. Choose the word or phrase that best keeps the meaning of the under lined word or phrase.
113. The weather was cold and wet. There was no food to
 eat and nothing to drink. People were sitting around doing nothing. Everyone was feeling dejected.  
A. sick B. sad C. cold D. lonely  
114. The plane did not take off at the fixed time because it
 was "held up" at the airport because of the bad weather.  
A. delayed        B. hijacked 
C. damaged     D. missing  
115. A lot of people are coming to Sara’s house to comfort
 her because all her family "deceased" in the war.
A. survived B. struggled 
C. discouraged D. dead  
116. My mother sent me two shirts and told me to choose
 one but I couldn’t "make up" my mind because both are beautiful.
A. remember    B. forget 
C. decide           D. buy  
117. My sister couldn’t pass the interview examination as
 she was "frustrated" in the questions and lost her confidence.  
A. angry      B. confused 
C. sick         D. worried  
118. Nobody could get the point in his comments. What
he said has no direct "relevance" to the matter in hand.  
A. reaction     B. relation 
C. response   D. reality
119. Rita is a "solitary" child. She has no friends and
doesn’t want to talk people  
A. unsociable B. proud 
C. carless D. rude  
120. Many animal species will 'die out' unless urgent
measures are taken to protect them.
A. migrate B. suffer C. extinct D. burn out


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Overview This post deals with 2 topics. Explanations on How to download our materials (in 3 languages) Lists of all our materials in one place I. How to Download/Save/ Print Here, how to download/save/print our materials is briefly described in 3 languages using diagram/pictures ! It is said that you can read our materials online (on Yes Tutorial), you can also save/download/print and then read or share with anyone, anywhere, at any time for free! But before that there two things that must be considered!  Saving/downloading depends on your Internet Browser. Moreover, each option (the above 4 options) has its own strengths and weaknesses! (If you like, Strengths and weaknesses of reading online, downloaded/saved/printed materials. ...) The next table summarizes this smartly! ------------------/ /----------------- Next, you will be shown how to download, save and print. 2.1. How to download Documents from (Yes Tutorial) using Firefox Browser As it has been mentioned, you can download...

NEW QUESTIONS FROM GRADE 12 Entrance Exam (2012EC): English: Tense Questions+ Answers + Explanation UPDATED: November 2022

English Questions Taken from Grade 12 Entrance Exam (2012EC: Ethiopia)   Challenge 6 1. Italians ____ at the Battle of Adwa in 1896 by Ethiopians. Ethiopians ____ the Victory since then. A. had defeated/have been celebrating B. defeated/have celebrated C. had been defeated/have been celebrated D. were defeated/have been celebrating 2. Ethiopians _____ the Adwa Victory for the last 125 years. A. celebrated  B. have been celebrating C. have been celebrated  D. had celebrated 3. White People didn't believe that Blacks were able to defeat Whites ____ the Battle of Adwa in 1896. A. until    B. since   C. for   D. ago 4. Ethiopians began to celebrate Victory of Adwa as one Nationally Celebrated Days 125 years _______. A. until    B. since     C. for    D. ago 5. My sister is used to ___ for a long time now; she was not when she was a first year student. A. studying      B st...