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NEW: Grade 12 English Model Exam by Chercher Secondary School: 2013

Note: Answers at the bottom!
 Time Allowed: 1:40 hours

PART ONE: Passage Questions

Read the next passage and answer the questions under it!

Written production is a skill which requires ideas to be formulated and expressed as printed output. Like its oral production counterpart, written production is developed sequentially in terms of the kinds of texts to be produced by the learner; i.e., from copying and formulating simple words or phrases to create simple messages to drafting autonomous works which involve the expression of numerous thoughts in a coherent and cohesive manner such as one would find in essays or short stories.

As with oral language, there are also two main types of written texts. Interactive texts involve at least two people who are actively engaged in written communications with each other, giving the texts the flavor of spontaneity or a lack of preparedness which is often typical of two-person journals or friendly letters. Non-interactive texts are those texts which the writer produces but does not necessary expect a direct reaction to what he/she has written. This type of writing is almost always prepared either fully or partially and is often followed by a number of drafts which have been edited and rewritten. This latter process is one which is generally used for the publication of books or articles or relates to academic tasks such as compositions, book reports or essays, requiring students to demonstrate their ability to argue a point coherently while showing cohesion of thought and expression.

Prepared texts and spontaneous written texts have some differences. Prepared texts often exhibit the following kinds of characteristics: clearly organized thoughts, 2) rare usage of incorrect words or expressions, and 3) argumentation which is logical and sequential. Spontaneous written texts, on the other hand, are often characterized by: 1) point form annotations of thoughts, 2) incomplete sentences with more errors present than would normally be accepted in formal written communications, and 3) overt evidence of self-monitoring as some words are slashed and replaced with others as thoughts and ideas are quickly reworked. Because of these distinct characteristics, the type of written text will depend on the context and purpose for writing the message.

Written production is, by its very nature, generally prepared and more precise in its expression than its oral counterpart. This is so because written communications, even so-called spontaneous ones, will allow the writer the time to reflect upon and mentally rework the intent behind the messages before producing them. As well, once the messages have been drafted, their visual presence allows writers the opportunity to read and reread the manner in which the messages were written in order to determine if the sentence structure, word usage, and grammatical forms have been correctly used to communicate the messages in the best way possible. If, at this point, writers find that the written messages are flawed in some way, they can rework the idea(s) until the words, sentence structure and grammar all reflect the manner in which the messages were intended to be communicated. On the other hand, oral production is often not afforded this luxury, since messages are often quickly exchanged and meaning immediately negotiated as is the case for interactive texts. When these concepts are applied to the classroom situation, it becomes increasingly evident that teachers will need to become familiar with the characteristics demonstrated by these different types of texts so as to be able to help students differentiate between the appropriate use of spontaneous, unprepared written communications and formal prepared written communications. Therefore, at the classroom level, written production activities will depend upon three factors: 1) the purpose of the writing activity, be it experientially-, communicatively-, or linguistically-based, 2) the type of written production activity that is planned, and 3 ) the communicative/linguistic level of the students.
Taken from:

1. One of the following statements is NOT true based on the 
      above passage. Which one is it?
A. Rare usage of incorrect words/expressions is the feature of prepared written text.
B. The communicative/linguistic level of the students is one of the factors that classroom written productions should depend upon.
C. Oral production does not allow to exchange message and meaning immediately negotiate as is the case for interactive texts.
D. In academic tasks/writing students are required to demonstrate their ability to argue a point coherently while showing cohesion of thought and expression.
2. According to this passage, "autonomous works" are examples of:
A. it is oral production  
B. it creates simple messages 
C. it expresses various thoughts in a coherent and cohesive manner 
D. written production activities
3. The pronoun "its" (paragraph 1) refers to:
A. oral production  
B. written production  
C. printed output   
D. interactive text
4. According to this passage, why written productions are required to be more precise than oral production? Because:
A. Written production is developed sequentially in terms of the kinds of texts to be produced by the learners.
B. Written production allows the writer the time to reflect upon and mentally rework the intent behind the messages before producing them.
C. has two main types of types of written texts. Interactive texts and non-interactive texts
D. writers find that the written messages are flawed in some way.
 5. The phrase "This latter process ...." (paragraph 2) refers to:
A. interactive texts  
B. Non-interactive texts  
C.  the publication of books   
D.  a number of drafts which have been edited and rewritten
6. The pronoun their’ as used in paragraph 4 ....  their visual presence ... refers to:
A. messages  
B. writers  
C. spontaneous ones  
D. written productions
7.  What is the meaning the word counterpart as used in paragraph 2" .... oral production counterpart...."? 
A. opposite   B. similar   
C. different   
D. the same function but in different situation
8. Based on the above passage, logical and sequential argumentations are the features of what?
A. interactive texts        B. non-interactive texts  
C. spontaneous texts   D. prepared texts
9. “... compositions, book reports or essays...” are examples of what?
A. interactive texts        B. non-interactive texts  
C. spontaneous texts   D. the writers
10. The meaning the phrase not afforded’  as used in paragraph 3 ... oral production is often not afforded
       this luxury... is:
      A. be able to have      B. do not show      
     C. is not able to have       D. could have

PART TWO: Vocabulary Questions

Answer the next 5 questions by choosing the best word /phrase that can substitute the underlined word /phrase in meaning.
11. Egypt is trying to "impose" its idea on Sudan concerning Grand Ethiopia Renaissance Dam.
           A. reflect        B. see             C. force             D. tell
12. After great economic disaster due to coronavirus, currently world economy begins to "revive".  
         A. renewed      B. restore         C. survive         D. retrieve    
13. Syrian refuges have been temporary "accommodation" in Ethiopia.
          A. agreement        B. support   C. shelter    D. restaurant 
14. Biden takes after his father.
 A. to make progress       B. to look like   
C. to receive something  D. to disappoint   
15. The two men have confessed the crime they had done on the girl.
          A. admitted       B. denied       C. refused     D. convinced  
Answer the next 5 questions by choosing the best words/phrase that can correctly complete each sentence.
16. Trump had been _________ about the 2020 US Election results. As a result, he declared that he won the election for the second time.  
 A. misinformed      B. uninformed   
 C. misunderstood  D. unheard  
17. We are very _______ of our National Football Team.  
A. pride               B. proud   
C. passionate    D. optimist
18. Haile G/Silasie has tried his best many times. But he could not have been successful and finally he ________ and stopped running. 
A. pessimistic   B. irritated      
C. frustrated      D. worried  
19. Unless we work hard day and night, our country, Ethiopia is more _______ for various foreign interference.
A. sustainable     B. vulnerable   
C. vulnerability    D. sustained  
20. Not only work burdens and responsibilities but also the resources that our country possesses should be shared among nations ___________.
       A. proportion           B. proportionally   
      C. potential              D. potentially         

PART THREE: Communication Questions

21. Melat: Would you go there again?
A. There are many people around               
B. No way, it was terrible                              
C. If you ask me I can tell you many things
D. That is what many people want to know
22. Sami:___________________
Sartu: Because its a good quality.
A. What is this material made of?             
B. Why do you buy this?                                
C. How come this is so expensive?
D. How much did you buy it?
23. Mesno: Can you give me a hand?
Jafer: ____________________
A. Sorry_ I am a bit busy at the moment  
B. Like you, I have only two hands.               
C. My left hand has been broken.
D. Your hand is much stronger than mine.
24. Mr. X:  What are your views on Biden as the American president?
Mr. Y: _______________________________
A. H e is from Democratic Party.                   
B. He was elected before six months ago.    
C. Great, I will see him then.
D. No, I do not.
25. Saron: How about some lunch?
 A. I am not gourmand.        
 B. If not why not.                  
 C. Mum, I ate yesterday.
 D. Yeah; sure. I am starving.
26. Kelifa: Roza  is the quietest and the most intelligent girl in our class.
Lensa: _____________________
A. I am agreeing.                      
B. I know she is your friend.   
C. I couldnt agree less.
D. Before that, let me ask her.
27. Kebron: What do you do for a living?
A. I am going to build a house.          
B. I work as a shop assistant.               
C. I live near Wanji town.
D. If I were you, I live in Chiro town.
28. Alem: It is difficult to find your way round this building. Isnt it?
Losha: ______________________
A. No, I always go in the right way.         
B. Yes, the building is quite interesting.     
C. No, I am always getting lost.
D. Yes, I am always getting lost.
29. Heriya: Are you thinking of buying a car?
Chrsti: ______________________
A. Are you crazy?         
B. Bravo; you are a long sighted person.     
C. Yeah, but I have not yet made up my mind
D. Why do you perplex me?
30. Bedru:  How is your sister doing this day?
            Tola: ______________.
               A. She is doing home work           B. She is fine          
               C. She is a merchant                       D. She is sleeping 31.  Bontu: How long have you been here, Hana?
A little less than six month.            
C. I am from Gelemso.
B  It is nice to met you too.     
D. Oh, it is dynamic, thank you.
32.  Gela: Have you heard about Rosa?
           Sara: No, what happened to her?
           Gela: Her house was broken.
   A. I would like to hear more about her.  
   B. Who did this?                
   C.   Did she report to the police?
   D.   Oh, how awful when?
33. Tsige: I was wondering if you would like to go to a concert on Sunday.
           Feti: _________________
   A. Would like to tell me your favorite music?    
   B. Have you ever seen a concert?            
  C  Many people like to go to a concert
  D  I wish I could but I cant
 34. X:   Hello, can I speak to Hana, please?
          Y:  ___________________
       A. This is great.  C. This is X. C. Speaking         D. See you.
 35. Alex: Musa, what do you think of the new film?
           Musa: __________________
 A. Many people say the same thing.  
 B. Do you know the main content of the film?
 C. I think, American film is the best of. 
 D. I think, it is awful.
 36. Gust: __________________________?
           Driver: No, not here at the next stop.
  A. Can I catch another bus right there? 
  B. Is there bus stand right by the bus stop?
  C. Is this where I get off the bus? 
  D. Do you know which bus I take?
 37. Gust: ___________________________?
       Receptionist: Yes, we have got. Have a seat please, could you tell me your name?
A. I am from A.A   
B. Have you seen the room? 
C. Have you got any bead room?
D. Have you got any bead waiter?
 38. Lema: Could I talk to Dr. Dina?
         Hawa: ____________________?
   A. Are you a Medical Doctor?    
   B. Do you want medicine?
  C. May I know who is calling?    
  D. Do you need some help?
 39. Manager: You can pay me the money. I will send it to the counter.
A. Are you sure? 
B. Here you are    
C. Of course, you are a Bank Manager.   
D. Tax is important.
 40. Gurmu: I am going to write a new English book.
            Beka: _______________________
A. You dont say.   
B. I cant agree less. 
C. I cant agree more.   
D. I believe, writing is the best of all language skill.

PART FOUR: Grammar Questions

41. Which one is the most correct order of adjectives?             
      A) Italian blue woolen sport suit.   
      B) Sport blue Italian woolen suit.        
      C) Blue Italian woolen sport suit.   
      D) Woolen blue Italian sport suit.    
42. An accident _______ the traffic in town today.            
         A)  get off    B) take off     C) held up  D) give away            
43. Last week I was in poor health. I wish I ____ harder for the test.                   
       A) had studied      B) have studied    
      C) studied               D)  was studying
44. The nationality word of Somalia is to Somali as Congo is to:  
       A) Congoyan    B) Congolese     
      C) Congonese   D) Congolish
45. Which one of the underlined qualifying phrases means there is a big difference?
A)  Our school is by far the most successful in the region.
B) Fewer children are illiterates now than in 2003.
C) The percentage of boys that went to secondary school was a bit bigger in 2008 than in 2007.
D) Nearly as many girls went to secondary school in 2003 as in 2004.
46. The indefinite reported speech of the sentence Hussein said, I am going to Addis next week.
A) Hussein says he is going to Addis next week. 
B) Hussein said he is going to Addis this week.
C) Hussein said he was going to Addis the following week.
D) Hussein said he was going to Addis last week.
47. She said to me I have got no money. The reported form of this statement is:
A) She said to me that she had got no money. 
B) She said to me that she was got no money.
C) She said to me that she had get no money.  
D) She said to me that she has got no money.
48. Abdul, _________ is one of the hardest working students I know, has just won the scholarship.
A) that          B) whose      
C) whom       D) who
49. By the time I got home, everyone __________ to bed.
A) has gone     B) had gone    
C) goes              D) went
50. Which of the words can take both suffixes full and less
            A) grace   B) play        C) wonder     D) job    
51. I am quite pleased with what I _________ this year.
          A) achieve   B) was achieving           
         C) achieved   D) have achieved        
52.  Have you ever discussed _____ the causes of HIV AIDS?
     A) about    B) on              C) to         D) with                        
53. We ______ pleased if she came.
       A) are      B) had been    C) will be   D) would be
54. If you _________ on the lights, you would not have fallen over the chair.
         A)  will switch        B)  switched    
        C) are switched   D) had switched                
55. I wont travel to London if I __________ get a cheap flight.
        A) didnt         B) dont    C) doesnt   D) will not
56. The new cars _____________ at the rate of twenty a day.
       A) Are being turned out  B) Were being turned out  
      C) Are turned out  D) Were turned out
57. It was thought that the social workers ___valuable work.
       A) do    B) have done     C) were doing   D) did
58. She studied hard ____________ become a doctor.
       A) in order to     B) as         C) because    D) for        
59. _________ his book, he settled down to work.
A. Because find    Having found       C) Finding to   D) As find
60. I am learning English ________ I can get a better job
         A) so that          B) while       C) as if    D) until
61.  Bonsa was late to the party_______ his car broke down on the highway.
          A) where    B) while     C) although    D) because    
62. I wrote my first draft in pencil _________ I needed to change it.
           A) in case    B) were        C) since     D) if
63. You should wear gloves _________ you have to treat someones wound.
          A) must        B) ought to            C) incase    D) if            
64. I am not leaving ____________ I get an apology from you.
         A. while        B. so that         C) until           D) as long as
65. This is a very _____ disease but you can avoid ______ If you boil your drinking water.
A) infection / infect     
B) infectious / infectious  
C)  infection / infectious 
D) infectious / infection        
66. There are several colors. You can have_______ of them
A. either        B. neither         
C. much          D. any
67.  If you need_____ help, do let me know                
A. some      B. many    C. any     D. no
68. We are willing to accept your offer_____ payment is made within seven days
       A. so that    B. on condition that     
      C. If so          D. unless
69. You_____ always read hard copy because you do have many alternatives
            A. neednt       B. mustnt     C. shouldnt   D. have to
70. Yusuf was an accountant. He played foot ball________
        A. either        B. as well    C. neither   D. furthermore
 71. She has lots of friends. ____ she often feels lonely
          A. although       B. even so    C. so far      D. as a result
72. I______ buy the ticket before I get on the train because the rule of the company obliged me
       A. have to  B. should   C. must    D. need                              
73. I tried to lift the book. _____ it was heavy for me
        A. however     B. although    C. but    D. so  

PART THREE: Writing Questions

74. Which one of the following choices is free from punctuations and capitalization errors?
A. Since Beijings' National Security Law for Hong Kong took effect a year ago; dozens have been arrested under the decree.
B. Since Beijings National Security Law for Hong Kong took effect a year ago, dozens have been arrested under the decree.
C. Since Beijings' National Security law for Hong Kong took effect a year ago, dozens have been arrested under the decree.
D. Since Beijings National Security Law for Hong Kong took effect a year ago: dozens have been arrested under the decree.
75. Which one of the following choices has punctuations and/or capitalization errors?
A. Ethiopian Airline Manager said, "We are pleased to announce the resumption of our flight to Asmara effective 23 June, 2021."
B. "We are pleased to announce the resumption of our flight to Asmara effective 23, June, 2021," Ethiopian Airline Manager said.
C. Ethiopian Airline Manager said, "We are pleased to announce the resumption of our flight to Asmara effective June 23, 2021."
D. "We are pleased to announce the resumption of our flight to Asmara effective June 23, 2021," Ethiopian Airline Manager said.
76. One of the following choices is free from punctuations errors. Which one is it?
A. Please, help the people around you_like your children and relatives_to continue to follow COVID-19 preventive measures.
B. Please, help the people around you, like your children and relatives_to continue to follow COVID-19 preventive measures.
C. Please, help the people around you: like your children and relatives; to continue to follow COVID-19 preventive measures.
D. Please, help the people around you (like your children and relatives) to continue to follow COVID-19 preventive measures.
77. Which one of these choices is free from punctuations and/or capitalization errors?
A. The Grammatical Units of English are words, phrases, clauses and sentences.
B. The grammatical units of English are: words, phrases, clauses and sentences.
C. The grammatical units of English are words, phrases, clauses and sentences.
D. The grammatical units of English are words, phrases, clauses; and sentences.
78. “A useful feature of the book is the inclusion of example texts and conversations, many of them authentic, to show how grammar is used in connected writing and in speech.... this text is most likely taken from:
    A. narrative      B. argumentative 
   C. expository    D. descriptive
79. “A man walked into a hotel, saw a nice coat, put it over his arm and walked out again... this text is most likely taken from:
    A. expository    B. descriptive     
   C. narrative   D. argumentative
80. “We all have a duty to take measures to prevent the spread of infection.... this text is most likely taken from:
    A. descriptive    B. narrative   
    C. argumentative   D. expository

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