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Motivational Videos/Visionary Pages

Welcome to our Visionary Pages!


This page has been designed to make the students more visionary! When I ask my students to tell me what they want to be in the future, I saw, even many social science students (grade12) who say "I want to be doctor [medical doctor]!" I heard this many times! From this, I conclude that not only making them (students) visionary but also making them to have knowledge based vision! Thus, carefully designed "vocational guidance/counseling" and other inspirational works are presented in videos, pictures and in text (written form)!

3 Main Goals

The followings 3 goals are among the main goals of the page! To enable the students to:
  • have knowledge-based vision: not to have vision which is imposed by others/emotion-based vision!
  • know that a lot of options (in terms of field of studies): so as not to focus only on a few field of studies!
  • work towards their vision!
Although the terms "motivational" and "inspirational" are used to describe completely different ideas, it is common to use them interchangeably! I did the same, too so as not to confuse my audience!

Yaada Ka'umsaa

Kutaan kun kan qophaa'e barattoota mul'ata-qabeessa taasisuudha! Yeroo baay'ee barattoota kiyya "Fula dura maal ta'uu barbaaddan?" je'ee yeroon gaafadhu, barattoota "social science" (kutaa 12) "Doctara [medical doctor] ta'uun barbaada!" je'utu na qunnama! Kana irraa wanniin hubachuu danda'e, barattoonni mul'ata akka qabaatan taasisuu qofa osoo hin ta'in, mul'ata beekuumsa irratti hundaa'e, akka qabaatan taasisuun barbaachisaa/ dirqama akka ta'eedha! Kanaaf kutaa kana jalatti "Vocational guidance/counseling" fi hojiilee dadammaqsoo adda addaa kan xiyyeeffannoo guddaan qophaa'antu dhihaata!

Galmoota Ijoo 3

Galmoonni sadeen armaan gadii kun galmoota ijoo kutaa kanaa keessaa isaan muraasa:-
  • Mul'ata namoota birootiin isaan irratti fe'ame ykn mul'ata miira irratti hundaa'e osoo hin ta'in, mul'ata beekumsa irratti hundaa'e akka qabaatan taasiisuudha!
  • Fildoota (field of studies) muraasa qofarratti akka hin rarraane, fildoonni baay'een akka jiran garsiisudha!
  • Mul'ata isaanii dhugoomsuuf akka carraaqan godhufi.

መነሻ ሀሳብ

ይሄ ክፍል የተዘጋጀው ተማሪዎችን ባለ ራዕይ ለማድረግ ነው!
ተማሪዎቼን "ምን መሆን ትፈልጋላችሁ?" ብዬ ስጠይቃቸው፣ "ዶክተር [ሜዲካል ዶክተር] መሆን እንፈልጋለን" የሚሉ በርካታ የsocial science ተማሪዎች (12 ክፍል) ብዙ ጊዜ ገጥመውኛል! ከዚህ መረዳት የቻልኩት ተማሪዎቻችን ራዕይ እንዲሰንቁ ማድረግ ብቻ ሳይሆን እውቀት ላይ የተመሰረት ራዕይ እንዲኖራቸው ማድረግ በጣም ወሳኝ እንደ ሆነ ነው! ከዚህ በመነሳት በጥንቃቄ የተዘጋጁ "vocational guidance/counseling" ና ሌሎች አነቃቂ ስራዎች በቪዲዮ፣ በምስል ና በፅሁፎች በዚህ ክፍል (Motivational.. .) ይቀርባሉ።

3 ዋና ዋና ግቦች

ይህ ክፍል ("Motivational Page") ተማሪዎችን ባለ ራዕይ (visionary) ለማድረግ አልሞ የተዘጋጀ ነው! በዚህም መሰረት ቢያንስ ቢያንስ 3 ዋና ዋና ግቦች አሉት:
  • ተማሪዎች በእውቀት ላይ የተመሰረተ ራዕይ እንዲኖራቸው ማድረግ ነው! ራዕያቸው በስሜት ና በሌሎች ግፊት ላይ የተመሰረተ እንዳይሆን!
  • አንድ/ጥቂት ፊልዶች (fields) ላይ ብቻ እንዳይንጠለጠሉ፣ በርካታ አማራጮች (ከፊልዶች ጋር በተያያዘ) መኖራቸውን እንዲገነዘቡ ማድረግ/ማሳየት!
  • ራዕያቸውን እውን ለማድረግ እንዲጥሩ ማድረግ መርዳት ነው!


Jecha Afaan Oromootiin/Amaariffaan yaada "vocational guidance/counseling" jedhu kana kallattiin, biifa guutuu ta'een ibsan yeroof argachuu hin dandeenye!
"guidance/counseling" jechuun gorsuu jechuu miti! Kanaafi akkuma jirutti fayyadamuuf!

Motivational/Inspirational/Visionary Video

Dear students, this video is prepared to provide all Ethiopian Universities in video for our students to inspire/motivate and make our students VISIONARY!
Dear students, in this video,  you will see various role models STUDENTS who made their dreams come true... some of my students.... 
The video presents various role models: at National and International levels.
Each field and their JOB OPPORTUNITIES: This video presents Natural Science and Social Science field of studies for any student grades 9-12! 

Additional Information 

☞ Fields under Natural Science

☞ Fields under Social Science

Information about Universities

Dear students, here, you are given All Ethiopian Universities with their Websites! To know more about each of them, isit different universities' websites read more...


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