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Agriculture and Related Fields (Under Natural Science: in Ethiopian Government Universities: 2021)



The following are some of the fields, as compiled by Million Abebe (MA in English and B. Ed. Degree in Pedagogical Sciences) based on MoE (Ethiopian Ministry of Education 2010&2011EC).

1. Agro-Business and Value Chain Management
2. Agriculture Management
3. Crop Science
4. Agro-Economics
5. Agriculture-business Management  & Agriculture Marketing
6. Agro-Economics
7. Agriculture-Mechanization, Engineering
8. Agriculture
9. Agriculture Extension
10. Agro-forestry
11. Agronomy and Engineering
12. Animal and Wild Life Science
13. Animal and Range Sciences
14. Animal Health
15. Animal Production
16. Bio-Technology
17. Crop production
18. Dairy and Meat Technology
19. Disaster Risk Management and Sustainable Development
20. Dry Land Agriculture
21. Ecotourism
22. Environmental Science
23. Fisheries
24. Food Production Technology
25. Food Science & Post-harvest Technology  
26. General Forestry
27. Geographic Information Science
28. Geology
29. Horticulture
30. Human Nutrition
31. Irrigation
32. Irrigation & Water Resource Management
33. Land Administration
34. Land and Water Resource Management
35. Land Resource Management & Envi’tal Protection
36. Livestock
37. Mid-Carrier Agriculture cultural Extension
38. Natural Resource Dev’t & Protection
39. Natural Resource Econo. & Policy
40. Natural Resource Management
41. Plant Science
42. Post-Harvest Management
43. Range Ecology and Biodiversity
44. Range Management and Ecotourism
45. Range Management  and Pastoral Dev’t
46. Rural Development
47. Soil and Water Management  & Engineering
48. Sugar Agronomy/Technology
49. Urban /Pre-Agriculture .
50. Urban forestry and Greening
51. Veterinary Lab Technology
52. Veterinary Medicine
53. Veterinary pharmacy
54. Veterinary science
55. Wetland &wild life management


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