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Computer Science, Health and Related Fields

Visionary Pages: Field of Studies: Natural Science: "Computer Science, Health and Health Related Fields"!

1. Brief Overview 

Welcome to our visionary pages: one of Our Unique Features  of our website!
In this material/document, "Computer Science, Health and Health Related Fields" have been presented. Totally, more than 33 fields are included in this document. To know the fields under these two categories read the next list. To know more about each field (its job opportunities, the talents/ abilities ...required), watch Motivational Video: Part-5: Job Opportunities in Natural and Social Science Fields and also follow the procedures you are given under "Adinfo" below!
2. List of Fields in Computer Science 

1. Computer Engineering
2. Computer Science
3. Information Science
4. Information Systems
5. Information Technology
6. Management Information Systems
7. Software Engineering
Note: There are many more fields that related to computer, see under Engineering Science and also under Natural and computational science!

3. List of Health and Related Fields

1. Anesthesia
2. Anesthesiology
3. Applied Human Nutrition
4. Dental Medicine
5. Medicine
6. Dentistry
7. Emergency and Critical Care Nursing
8. Environmental Health Science
9. Exer. Sc. and H.
10. Health Education and Promotion
11. Health Information
12. Medical Laboratory Science and Technology
13. Medical Microbiology
14. Medicine
15. Midwifery
16. Nursing
17. Occupational Health
18. Optometry
19. Pediatrics Specialties
20. Pharmacy
21. Physiotherapy
22. Psychiatric Nursing
23. Psychiatry
24. Public Health Officer
25. Radiography
26. Surgical Nursing

4. Adinfo (Additional Information)

In addition to the information in the above list of fields and also the video may be needed! If so, use all or some of the next 3 strategies to get additional information about the fields either under both categories or one of them

A. Selecting + Clicking:
Go to the field upon which you want to get additional information. Then, select it; as soon as you select, you will be able to see 4 options: "Copy", 'Share', 'Select all' and 'Google Search'!
(See the given screenshot) 

Then click 'Google Search'; you can get all what you want to know that specific field. For example, let's say you want to know more about "Anesthesia". Look the next screenshot and the given link
Note: If the above information may not be enough, you may try both or one of the next two strategies!
B. Asking others: you can ask students at university or
anyone graduated or whom you think you can get information from: whom you think that he/she could give you additional information!
C. Visiting University Website: Sometimes, the fields you
want to join may not found in the university you choose. To avoid this types of problems, visit different universities' websites. You are all the universities with their websites: All Ethiopian Universities with their Websites

5. Integrated Materials

In the above sections, the information about Computer Science, Health and Health Related  Fields has been given! But in addition to the fields, there are many more fields in Natural Science. You could also see the next ones (if you haven't yet read them)! 
Engineering Science
Engineering Science is one of the five categories of fields under Natural Science. Totally, more than 50 fields are given under 'Engineering Science' category.. . read more!
Agriculture Related Fields
'Agriculture and Related Fields' is one of the 5 categories of fields under Natural Science. Totally, more than 55 fields are given under this category read more...
♦ Natural and Computational Science Fields
This is another category among the 5 categories of fields under Natural Science. Under this category, totally, more than 27 fields are given read more...




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