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Smart Summary on Research and Grade 12 National Exam with Explanation: for G-12 Students: Ethiopia

NOTE: In this short exam-based explanations about research, brief summary about "research" is given, then Grade 12 English National Exam Questions (2011EC) were taken and explained!
Brief Short Note for Grades 12 Students (Note: Only for Quick Revision)

1. Introduction

1.1. Background of the Study:

  • General issues about your study are briefly summarized. 
  • Moving from general to specific points to be investigated.

1.2. Statement of the Problem:

The main problems to be investigated are discussed here.
Research questions/hypothesises are presented.

1.3. Objective of the Study:

The main and specific objectives of the research are mentioned.

1.4. Scope of the Study:

The boundaries/the areas (the issues, the places, the participants.. .) to be covered by the research are presented.

2. Review of Related Literature

Previous studies that related to your research are reviewed and discussed briefly.

3. Methodology:

This section deals with how the research was conducted. 
It includes

3.1. Research design/approach: 

  • qualitative (mostly verbal/word related data) or 
  • quantitative (mostly numberical data)  or
  • mixed: both qualitative and quantitative

3.2. Research site:  place where the study is conducted.

3.3. data collection: 
  • type of data (primary/secondary/tertiary.. .), 
  • data collection instruments such as questionnaire, interview, observation....
3.4. samples (participants) and sampling techniques such as probability, non-probability sampling,
3.5. data analysis (how data was organized and analyzed).

4. Data Analysis:

The collected data is analyzed and presented under this section.

Some writers call this section "The findings/results".
Some writers present data analysis and discussion sections together.

5. Discussion

Here the data is interpreted and discussed in detail.
The    purpose of the    discussion:  
  •   to    interpret    and    describe    the    significance    of    your    findings    in    light    of    what    was    already    known about    the    research    problem being investigated.
  •  to    explain    any    new    understanding    or    fresh    insights    about    the    problem    after    you've    taken    the    findings    into    consideration.    

6. Summary, Conclusion and Recommendations

 6.1. Summary:

The whole research is briefly summarized: starting from introduction upto discussion.

6.2. Conclusion:

  • Conclusion is where the research questions/hypothesises are answered.

6.3. Recommendations:

  • Here, based on his/her research, the researcher forwards what should be done.

7. Reference:

The books/researches/any source that are used in the research are presented.

English: Research Questions and Explanation for Grade 12 Students

Grade 12 English National Exam Questions (2011EC): Writing: Research Related Questions
1. Fifty-five employees from each the companies were made to fill in a questionnaire after on-the-job observations were conducted. Which section of a research report are the above lines most likely taken from? (2011)
A. Introduction   B. Methodology   
C. Data analysis   D. Conclusion
2. In order to objectively and genuinely address the needs of the employees, it is important that their voices are heard during appointment of managers. Where in a research report would the above sentence most likely belong? (2011)
A. Discussion   B. Recommendation   
C. Data analysis   D. Conclusion
3. Of the 110 that filled the questionnaire, 88 (80%) said the bonus they get from the companies are nowhere close to the extra-efforts they make to boost production. Which section of a research report are the above lines most likely extract from? (2011)
A. Discussion   B. Methodology     
C. Data analysis   D. Conclusion
4. The study showed that both government and private medias are biased in their own ways with regard to the information they transmit to the public. Which section of a research report are the above lines most likely taken from? (2011)
A. Introduction   B. Methodology   
C. Data analysis   D. Conclusion
5. The study made an attempt to see if differences exist between the ways students from rural areas and those from towns adapt to the higher education environment.  Where in a research report would the above sentence most likely belong? (2011)
A. Introduction   B. Methodology   
C. Data analysis   D. Conclusion

How to Answer Questions Related to Research

Q.1. Fifty-five employees from each the companies were made to fill in a questionnaire after on-the-job observations were conducted. Which section of a research report are the above lines most likely taken from? (2011)
A. Introduction   B. Methodology   
C. Data analysis   D. Conclusion
Look this sentence, it tells how the research was done (clue: 5 employees were taken, they were observed then they were made fill questionnaire...). It is about research methodology. Ans. B
Research Methodology Sections deal with "How the research was done/will be done or the way the research was done/will be done or the procedures followed, the research sites/samples/ types of data/types of data gathering tools/how data was analyzed.. .".
If you are given sentence/s that deals with one/some of these, mostly, that question is about research methodology.
Q.2. In order to objectively and genuinely address the needs of the employees, it is important that their voices are heard during appointment of managers. Where in a research report would the above sentence most likely belong? (2011)
A. Discussion   B. Recommendation   
C. Data analysis   D. Conclusion
Look this sentence, it tells what should be done (clue: it said the employees' voices need to be heard.); it is about recommendation. Ans. B
If you are given sentence/s that tells what should be done (based on the research findings), that sentence most likely taken from recommendation section.
Q.3. Of the 110 that filled the questionnaire, 88 (80%) said the bonus they get from the companies are nowhere close to the extra-efforts they make to boost production. Which section of a research report are the above lines most likely extract from? (2011)
A. Discussion   B. Methodology     
C. Data analysis   D. Conclusion
This sentence mentions about specific data/ one questionnaire (question/ item) that deals with samples' responses on specific issue (their responses about the bonus they get....). Numerical descriptions (54%, 75%...) that deal specific issues like this, mostly taken from data analysis section. Ans. C
Q.4. The study showed that both government and private medias are biased in their own ways with regard to the information they transmit to the public. Which section of a research report are the above lines most likely taken from? (2011)
A. Introduction   B. Methodology   
C. Data analysis   D. Conclusion
This sentence tells what is understood from the study (generally). This means, the conclusion drawn from the conducted research. Ans. D
Note: Take care! Data Analysis vs Conclusion
Mostly, the terms like 'the data or the responses or  the table or the graph or the interview... showed/indicated/revealed... or numerical description (such as 64%, 95%...)' are used while data analysis. Whereas the terms like the study or the research... showed/indicated/revealed..... deal "generaly about the study), most of the time used at conclusion. 

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