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Smart Exam Techniques Part FIVE: Exaplanation and How to answer any question about adverbial clauses (by Million Abebe)



  • Qormaata irratti milkaa'uuf qo'achuun qofti ga'a miti! Toftaa qormaata ittiin hojjetan beekuu fi fayyadamuun murteessaadha! 
  • በፈተና ስኬታማ ለመሆን ማጥናት ብቻውን በቂ አይደለም! የፈተና ጥበብ ማወቅ ና መጠቀም ያስፈልጋል!

Relationship + Elimination Techniques

 In this explanations, the explanation for worksheet on adverbial clauses and the techniques to answer adverbial clauses are presented. Dear students/any user, if you like the questions and/or special handout, click the next links: 
Questions related to adverbial clauses deal with sentence in which two or more ideas are joined by conjunctions/ transitional words/adverbs. To answer these types of questions, try to identify these ideas and see their relationship. That means applying "Relationship + Elimination Techniques".
Taking the ideas before and after the given blank space, seeing their relationship and then eliminating unrelated choices! 
 If you like, look the next quick summary about adverbial clauses. If not go to the explanations and see how to apply the techniques.

Explanation and Application of the techniques

Q. The hospital has a backup generator, _______ there is a power failur. (G-12: 2012)
A. in the fact of  B. in the case of  C. in case D. instead

The relationship between the two ideas (the one before and after the blank space) show fear. It says generator is made ready fearing there is power failure. This question is about purpose clause that show fear. All choices will be eliminated except C (clue: rules).
To show fear, we use:
- for fear that + clause
- in case + clause
- lest + clause
She has taken umbrella with her for fear that/in case/lest there will be rain.

Q. Peter has reorganized his files ________ he can easily find what he is looking for. (G-12: 2012)
A. such that  B. that is C. at that D. so that

The ideas in this sentence has cause and effect relationship (future reason), in other words, purpose clause. Eliminate all the choices that don't show purpose. All are eliminated except D (clue: See rules below.).

Q. Remember to wear a helmet _______ your head is protected.
A. inorder that       B. in order to that                                                 C. so as                  D. to

This question is about 'purpose clause'. Since all the choices are purpose clause expressions, you can answer this question in one step by eliminating all the choices except A. The rest choices are inappropriate: choices B and C are ungrammatical. Choice D will also be eliminated based on the rule. Ans. A

Q. Many accidents occur _______ drivers are often reckless. (G-12: 2012)
A. because   B. however   C. so that  D. despite
Look the relationship between the two ideas; they contradict each other. It says "...accidents..."; the second says "drivers reckless/careless..." Eliminate choices A&C; (clue: They are not expressions for contrasting ideas.). Both however and despite could be used for contrasting ideas. But choice D should be eliminated (clue: See the rules below.). Ans. B
 Contrasting clauses rules: Smart Summary


Q. I don’t choose teaching as my profession, ______ I know teachers have long vacation. (G12: NE: Grade 12 National Exam)
 A. and B. but C. therefore D. so

There are two ideas in this question: not choosing teaching as profession and having long vacation. These two ideas contradict each other (if a job has long free time, it is expected that it is chosen). Based on these, this question can be answered in one step by eliminating all the choices except B (clue: the only conjunction, in the choices, that is used for contrasting idea is 'but'.).
Ans. B

Q. _____ I know that teachers have longer vacation than the workers in other professions, I don’t choose teaching as my profession.
 A. In spite of B. However, C. Since D. Even though

This question and the previous one are the same: both express contrasting ideas. You can answer this in two steps. Based on the above rules, choices A and C will be eliminated (clues: 'in spite of' + noun phrase and 'since' is used for reason). Choice B will also be eliminated (clue: Blank space is followed by dependent clause.).
Ans. D

 Tip: How to know dependent and independent clauses
Mostly, students are seen confused on how to know dependent or independent clause. Look the order of actions:
  • 1st action/idea: dependent clause
  • 2nd action/idea: independent clause
Look the above question; '... long vacation' is first action/idea; '... not choosing as profession' is the second.

Using 'blank space' + 'elimination techniques'

Whenever you are asked this type of question, you can answer using 'blank space' + 'elimination techniques'. Look the ideas before and/ or after the blank space. If the blank space is followed by 1st action/idea or dependent clause, use the second groups, of the above conjunctions, in the textbox.

Note: 'Though' can also be used at the end of a sentence.
Q. I enjoyed reading the story. It was rather sad, _________.  
A. also             B. but    C. so   D.  though

The two ideas, mentioned in this sentence, are contrasting: 'enjoying' and 'sad'. The question can be answered in two steps by applying 'relationship + elimination techniques': 100% sure. Eliminate choices A and C (clue: neither of them shows contrasting idea.). Eliminate choice B: it is not used at the end!
Ans. D

Q. Solomon is a good speaker ___________ he also writes very well.
A. in addition         B. consequently    C. however    D. thus  

This question can be answered in one step by applying 'relationship + elimination techniques'. Look the relationship between the ideas: it is 'addition' (clue: also). So, eliminate all the choices except A.
Ans. A

Q. ______ they had been waiting in line all night, I was sure they would get tickets. 
 A. As though  B. Because of  C. Since D. Until                           
The relationship between the ideas, in this question, is 'cause' and 'effect'. Eliminate choices A and D (clue: They don't show 'cause' and 'effect'.). Choice B will also be eliminated (Clue: based on rules, see rules below.). Ans. C
The main difference between 'since' and 'because of' is:
  • 'since' + clause
  • 'because of' + noun phrase


Additional: Confusing Areas

1. Different expressions but for the same purpose:  
 Sometimes, you could be given different expressions that used for the same purpose. e.g. however, despise, although.. ..
2. One sentence with different clauses: 
 Reason clause/result clause/purpose could be used interchangeably but different meanings.

  •  All the schools in our country have been closed due to coronavirus outbreak.
  • All the schools in our country have been closed  to prevent the spread of coronavirus.
  • Coronavirus had spread all over the world; as a result, all the schools in our country have been closed.
 Sample Related Questions
1. Teaching profession is my number one choice as field of study _________ its long vacation.
 A. because B. due to the fact that C. because of D. as
2. Teaching profession is my number one choice as field of study _________ it allows to get long vacation.
 A. as B. due to C. because of D. ; as a result,
3. I choose teaching as my profession.______ I know that teachers have longer vacation than all other workers.
 A. As a result B. Because C. Since D. Due to
4. I know that teachers have longer vacation than the workers in other professions _____ I choose teaching as my profession.
A. as a result of B. because of the fact that
C. because of D. ;as a result,
Whenever you are asked this type of question in which related expressions are given on the choices), you can answer using 'blank space' + 'elimination techniques'.
Note: "blank space' + 'elimination techniques' is the process of looking the expressions/clauses/ideas before and /or after the given blank space and then using them as clue.
Q. Teaching profession is my number one choice as field of study _________ its long vacation.
 A. because B. due to the fact that C. because of D. as

All the expressions given on the choices are the expressions that are used for reason clause. Look the blank space; it is followed by noun phrase. All the choices could be eliminated except choice C: the expression on the rest choices are followed by clause.
Ans. C
Q. I know that teachers have longer vacation than the workers in other professions _____ I choose teaching as my profession.
A. as a result of
B. because of the fact that
C. because of D. ;as a result,

The ideas within this question have 'cause' and 'effect': '... knowing.. . longer vacation' and '... choosing ... as profession'. 100% sure, this question can be answered in two steps by applying 'blank space' + 'elimination techniques'. Choices A and C will be eliminated (clue: blank space is followed by clause.). Choice B will also be eliminated as the blank space is followed by effect.

Q. I went shopping; _________, my sister cleaned the house. (G-12: 2012)
A. during   B. the time being  C. meanwhile  D. in a while

Look the relationship between the two ideas; the sentence shows two actions that happened at the same time. Based on this all the choices should be eliminated except C (clue: See rules.). Ans. C

To show two actions that happened at the same time, we use while, as, meanwhile.. .
Q. My classmate goes to school by bus ______ I walk every day. (G-12: 2012)
A. whereas  B. because  C. since  D. so

This question could be answered in two steps only. Simply by taking each choice and cross-check thier functions with the given ideas/sentence, you can eliminate unrelated choices.
Choices B&C should be eliminated as both are used for reason clause. If the same/similar structures are used like these, both are eliminated. Choice D also should be eliminated (clue: so is used to show cause and effect.). The sentence doesn't show cause and effect; it shows different ideas but not contrast.
Ans. A

Rules: whereas, while, on the other hand, in the other hand...
  • Buden likes to watch films whereas I like to watch football games. (These ideas are different; they don't contrast.)
  • Buden likes to watch films but I donot like to watch films. (These contrast each other.)


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