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Handout on Quantifiers: Each, Every, All, Whole, Some and Any related: (by Million Abebe: MA)

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2. Each, Every, All, Whole... and related:

This is smart handout 2 on quantifiers: 4 sub-topics3 especial attention areas and 2 checkpoint sections.
Note: Smart handout 1 on quantifiers deal with a few, few, a little, little and related topics: for smart handout 1, click here


  • There is question mark on every page of this exam. (as general, to say ‘all’ ) 
  • Nowadays, every country has put a lot of coronavirus restrictions on people's movements.

C. All is:

♦ Used with singular noun/plural nouns/uncountable nouns and with positive/negative idea.
♦ Used to refer/show/see the quantities in particular place generally/as total or full/complete.
♦ Form:

  • all + CN (PN): generally/as totally 
  • all + CN (SN): full/complete
  • all + UCN: full/complete


  • There are question marks on all pages of this exam. (generally/totally) 
  • Nowadays, all countries in the world have put a lot of coronavirus restrictions on people's movements. (generally/totally) 
  • Coronavirus restrictions have been put on people's movements in all over the world. (full/complete) 

D. Whole is:
♦ Used with singular noun/uncountable nouns; for positive/negative idea.
♦ Used to refer/show/see the quantities in particular place full/complete.
♦ Form:whole + CN (SN)/UCN: full/complete
NB: ‘Whole’ may or may not be preceded by ‘the’.


  • There is question mark on every page of this exam. (as general, to say ‘all’ ) 
  • Nowadays, every country has put a lot of coronavirus restrictions on people's movements.

The other confusing areas are related to some related quantifiers that deal with general quantities: 'every' vs 'all', 'whole' vs 'all'. They are briefly discussed next.

Textbox that summarizes confusing areas

• While I was in university, I spent all days in library. 
• While I was in university, I spent whole day in library.
• While I was in university, I spent whole day in library.
• The whole book, written by Million, talks about study techniques.
• All the books, written by Million, talk about study techniques.
• The whole milk in the bottle has been spilled out.

Checkpoint 2

3. No, None, Any....

This is smart handout 3 on quantifiers: 3 sub-topics3 especial attention areas and 2 checkpoint sections.
Note: Smart handout 1 on quantifiers deal with a few, few, a little, little and related topics: for smart handout 1click here
Handout 2 deal with 'each, every, all, whole...'; click here!

3.1. No:

♦ No means not any/not one person or thing.  
♦ It is adjective.
♦ It is used before CN (singular/plural)/UCN. 
♦ Form: No + noun

  • She has no money to by computer. 
  • No student is in the class. 
  • The teacher said, ‘’ This is examination room. No calculator, no mobile, no cheating!’’ 

3.2. Uses of None

♦ None is a pronoun. 
♦ None means not even one person or thing.
♦ It can be used by its own without noun as subject of a sentence.
♦ It can also be used with ‘of’: none + of + PN (plural noun/pronoun).
♦ It can also be used as object of a sentence. 

  • A lot of attempts have been made to find medicine for coronavirus but none seems successful.
  • All the students have left the class; none is in the class.
  • Although Tigist has four children, none is in Ethiopia.
  • Today the director wants talk with all of the students of the school. But, none of them has come. 

3.3. Use of Any

Any is quantifier (determiner)/adverb/pronoun. For more, see under 4 (Handout 4).

3.4. Especial Attention Areas

‘No', 'none', 'any’ are used to express negative idea/action.

A. No:

♦ is adjective: no + PN/SN/UNC.
♦ is used to show negative ideas.
♦ is used w/o negative words.

  • There are no points upon which we have reached agreement with Egypt concerning GRED water filling.
  • We have made a lot of discussions with Egypt concerning GRED water filling. But we have seen no positive responses from Egyptian side.

B. None:

♦ is pronoun:
- subject: none + verb
- object: verb + none
- with 'of': none + of + PN
♦ is used to show negative ideas.
♦ is used w/o negative words and also nouns.

  • We have made a lot of discussions with Egypt concerning GRED water filling. But none of were effective. 
  • We have made a lot of discussions with Egypt concerning GRED water fill. But we have reached agreement on none of them.

C. Any:

♦ is used to show negative ideas.
♦ is used with negative words.
♦ is used with nouns.
  • any + SN/PN
  • any + PN
  • any + UNC
  • We have made a lot of discussions with Egypt concerning GRED water filling. But we have not seen any positive responses from Egyptian side.
  • We don't have any information when coronavirus pandemic ends and schools open.
Look the next brief summary of all the above.

Note: Not and non- are also used for negative ideas but they are not quantifiers.
♦ Not:
- is used to show negative ideas.
- is adverb.
- is used with auxiliary verbs.
♦ non-:
- is used to show negative ideas.
- is prefix: before word.

  • Egypt Government questions concerning GRED water filling are non-stop.
  • Egypt Government questions concerning GRED water filling have not yet stopped; they always come up with new questions.

3.5. Checkpoint 4

A. Smart Summary

4. Some and Any 

They are used with countable and uncountable nouns, to describe an indefinite or incomplete amount. But, they have some difference:   

4.1.Some is:

  • Used for positive or affirmative sentence.
  • Form: some + countable/uncountable nouns
  • Some countries have lifted coronavirus restrictions.
  • Some information about coronavirus is confusing.
  • I would like to show you some techniques, how to answer questions.
  • Some students are disturbing.
Note: some + CN (SN)
♦ Sometimes, 'some' could be followed by singular countable noun to say "unknown", though not much common.
  • I have put it some place in this house.
  • I saw some girl here yesterday.

4.2. Any is:

♦ Used for negative sentence with negative words.
♦ Used for question (NB: could be negative or positive).
♦ Forms:
  • any + CN (SN)
  • any + CN (PN)
  • any + UCN
  • I haven't yet got any information about coronavirus cases.
  • We have not seen any students today.  
  • We have not seen any student today.
  • Haven't you got any information about coronavirus cases?
  • Have you got any information about coronavirus cases?
♦ Sometimes, although we do not have the above negative verbs or words, a sentence can have negative meaning.
  • She rejects any question about marriage .  
  • They refused to eat any food because of their anger.
  • Though they began to look for money early morning, finally they came up without any money.
All the above three examples are negative; what do make them negative?
(rejected, refused, without.. .)

4.3. Especial Attention Areas

A. Any: with positive statement

In addition to negative and question, 'any' can also be used for positive statement, to say 'it doesn't matter'.

  • Coronavirus can infect any person, any race...
  • You can ask me any question about quantifiers.

B. Some: with interrogative sentence

In addition to affirmative statement, 'some' can also be used with interrogative/questions.
It is used as follows:
♦ When we think the answer might be ‘'yes’. That means, we have some clues about the issues.
♦ It could also be used with invitation/officer and requests to be more polite.

  • You have watched BBC; please, how was the protest about the death of George Floyd in US?
  • I think, you are from market, do you have some oranges please?    
  • Would you like to have some talk with me please?     
  • Did he give you some tea? (= I'm sure he did.)
  • Is there some fruit juice in the fridge? (= I think there is)


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