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ENGLISH: WRITING: Smart Exam Techniques: Part SIX: Explanations for Worksheet on Writing Styles and How to Answer


ENGLISH: WRITING: Exam Techniques:  Writing Styles and How to Answer 

Note: To get smart note summary on the four writing styles descriptive, narrative, argumentative, expository and also explanations 1-10, click the next link for pdf:
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Explanation 11

Q. The internet has provided great benefits, but at the same time it has also created problems and inequalities. This most likely taken from __ __. (2003)
A. descriptive B. narrative C. argumentative D. expository
When you are given a paragraph and asked to choose its type, look carefully for some unique words/expressions that are specific to some type of writing. β€˜β€¦ great benefits, but … created problems and inequalities’ these expressions express two contradicting ideas. If a given paragraph expresses contradicting ideas, it is argumentative writing. But that principle does not work here. Although both ideas contradict, both are fact that no one can deny. It is expository writing. Ans. D
Additional Explanation
Mentioning contrasting ideas doesn't make a given writing argumentative writing. This is clearly expository unless the writer adds additional explanations. Look, three issues are mentioned: Internet has benefits; Internet creates problems and Internet creates inequalities. If this writer mentions these or some of these benefits, problems and inequalities and leave/stop, it is expository. Facts that no one denies. But if after mentioning these or some of these benefits, problems and inequalities, the writer ends by saying, "The problems it creates are greater than its benefits.", the writing is argumentative.
Note: If the writer added additional ideas like "Internet should be banned/prohibited...., We have to have/get Internet.. .", the writing will be argumentative.

Expository and Descriptive writings

Presenting physical description (size, color...) by themselves do not make a given writing 'descriptive writing'. Making comparison, providing facts, showing cause and effects by themselves do not make a given writing 'expository writing' or ... argumentative writing. All these could be used in both expository and descriptive writings.
In expository writing, the writer mentions/presents the information as it is without trying either exaggerating or adding opinion. But in descriptive writing, the writer visualizes the information by adding/using 'idiomatic expressions, creative/poetic/artistic expressions or extreme adjectives/adverbs...

Explanation 12

Q. My previous and current mobiles have great difference. The previous one was heavy to carry (1.50kg) and also had limited storage (1GB), RAM (1GB), and network (2GB). The current one is small in size, weights 0.20kg; it has 52GB internal storage, 8GB RAM and 5G network capabilities... . This is most likely taken from:
A. expository  B. narrative   C. descriptive D argumentative
Here: The writer presented the information about the size and functions of the two mobiles as it is.
Ans. A

Explanation 13

Q. My previous mobile and the current one have "countless/incomparable gaps" in terms of their sizes and functions. The size and functions of the previous one, by themselves "needed additional assist" as it weighted 1.50kgs, and also poor in its storage (1GB) and network (2G). But the current one is "like carrying world’s information in my pocket and moving with me wherever." ... This is most likely taken from:
A. expository  B. argumentative C narrative   D. descriptive
Here, the writer tried to exaggerate and vizualize the size and the functions: "countless, incomparable gaps" extreme adjectives of great number "needed additional assist" exaggeration to say that it was very heavy; it needed transportation. It needed someone who helped in storage and network... funy somewhat.
But the second one adds creative expressions/idiomatic expressions β€œcarrying world’s information in my pocket and moving with me wherever”... It has indirect meaning. The writer mentioned how powerful the current mobile is to get information, to store information and also how portable it is.
In this question, the writer presented the size and functions of the two mobiles in especial ways by adding/using idiomatic expressions, creative/poetic/artistic expressions or extreme adjectives/adverbs.

Explanation 14

Q. At least 13 people dead and others were injured and taken to hospital after Visakhapatnam incident, in India, due to gas leak.
 A.narrative    B. expository  C. argumentative  D. descriptive
This sentence is intended to inform that there was accident (type of the accident: gas leak) where it happened (India) and the consequences (death and injuries). All the given expressions explained these.
Ans. B
In this sentence, three issues were mentioned: there was "accident, its place and its consequences."

Explanation 15

Q. At least 13 people have been killed by a massive gas leak at a chemical plant in Southern India, with hundreds of others taken to hospital. The leak happened as people aslept.
A. expository B. narrative  C. descriptive D. argumentative
The information is the same: there was "accident, its place and its consequences." But it is descriptive writing. The writer wants to tell not only the accident but also "how serious" the accident was and make the readers feel the accident by 'exaggerating' using extreme adjective/adverb or other words.
Additional Explanation
It said not only the accident happened but also it said the accident happened "while the people were sleeping."
It mentioned the leak as "massive gas  leak", using extreme adjective "massive" (massive, huge, giant... are extreme adjectives for 'big'.)
It mentioned the number of the injuries as ''hundreds of others taken...'' using extreme adjective "hundreds" (hundreds, numerous, countless... are extreme adjectives to say 'many'.)
The expression "chemical plant (factory)"....
Ans. C

Explanation 16

Q. We then found lying on the floor soaked in their own blood. There was no question that the shot was from a short distance as something that looked like content of the head lay close to what used to be the skull. The police officer stood thunderstruck.… Most likely taken from: (2005)
A. argumentative B. expository C. narrative D. descriptive  
In this question, you can see narrative, argumentative and descriptive. To make them more clear, I have used bold for descriptive, underline for narration bold and underline (no question that) for argumentative. Although all these terms/ideas are mentioned, the question is descriptive. Because there is no movement. The writer is describing what the injured
people lying on the floor with their blood and also the feeling of the police (thunderstruck=shocked).
Ans. D
NB: If we take only sentence 2 (There was no question...), it will be argumentative.

Explanation 17

Q. This bird is one of a group of long-legged wading birds. It has a long beak that curves down. This most likely begins a/an __________ text. (2003)
A. argumentative B. expository C. narrative D. descriptive
This paragraph is also confusing. Because the paragraph includes physical description/expressions and also explanation about the bird.
Take care when there is an explanation of class/group although there
are physical description, expository is preferable.
Such type of paragraph is more of giving explanations of the idea.
Ans. B

Additional Topics (Here all in ONE)!

Under the followings links, you can get all the topics covered in Yes Supportive Education Service 


  1. You are special person for oromo !!!! Thank you!πŸ’•πŸ’žπŸ’“πŸ™ŠπŸ™πŸ™πŸ™πŸ‘


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