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English Worksheet for Grades 9-12 Students: on Regret and Conditional Sentences (2013/21)

(G-10: NE) refers to grade 10 National Exam; (G-12: NE) refers to grade 12 National Exam; (Oromia) refers to Oromia Regional State Education Bureau model exam.
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Challenge 1

1. Ministry of Education has cancelled the plan to give us our grade 12 exam in online method. I wish we ________ our exam in online method just like other civilized countries.
A. had not been given   
B. had been given  
C. were given  D. gave
2. If anything goes wrong with this plan, you __ held responsible. (G-12: NE)
A. would be B. would have been 
C. will be D. will have been
3. But for the fact that there was shortage of time to get all
the tablets, we _________ our exam in online method just like other civilized countries.
A. wouldn't have given          
B. would be given  
C. would have been given    
D. would not be given
4. If the Ministry of Education _______ all the tablets on time,
we _________ our exam in online method just like other civilized countries.
A. had got/would have taken  
B. got/would have taken 
C. had not got/would have taken
D. had got/wouldn't have taken
5. Our Ministry of Education decided to give us our grade 12
National Exam in online method. I am preparing that way. But most of us wish we _______ the exam on paper just like previous years students.
A. weren't given    
B. had been given  
C. were given    
D. had not been given
6. But for the fact that we ___ our grade 12 exam in online
method and get nervous, I ______ good marks.
A. take/would not have scored 
B. took/would score
C. take/would score 
D. had taken/would not score
7. I don’t understand why she wouldn’t lend us one if she ____
two books. (G-12: NE)
 A had   B. has had    
C. has    D. had had  
8. But for the fact that we took our grade 12 exam in online
method and got nervous, I ______ good marks.
A. would not have scored     
B. would have scored 
C. would score                       
D. would not score
9. I _______ this poor mark in my grade 12 exam if we ______
our exam in online method and got nervous.
A. wouldn't have scored/had not been given  
B. would scored/had not been given
C. would have scored/had not been given 
D. will not score/had not been given
10. If I saw anyone cheating on this exam, I certainly ______
report the case to the invigilator. (G-12: NE)
A. will     B. would    C. could    D. shall
11. Had there been no trace of evidence for his involvement
in the death of the old lady in the neighbourhood, the police ______ so serious about keeping him in custody. (G-12: NE)
A. won’t have been 
B. would have been  
C. wouldn’t have been 
D. was not going to be
12. I _____ good mark if we ______ our exam in online method and got nervous.
A. would have scored/had been given 
B. would have scored/had not been given
C. would scored/had not been given 
D. would not have scored/had not been given
13. If you __, you would not go to swimming in that freezing water. (G-12: NE)
A. want not to catch a bad cold  
B. wanted not to catch a bad cold
C. would want not to catch a bad cold
D. would not want to catch a bad cold
14. I would not have listened to him if I __ he were to tell me this .(G-12: NE)
 A. knew              B. did know 
C. had known    
D. have had known  
15. Unless we solve our internal problem, we __ not think of challenging the enemy. (G-12: NE)  
A. do B. might C. can D. ought 

 Challenge 2

16. Unless the students are given enough training on how to
use tablets for online exam, they ______ able to take the coming online exam confidently.
A. will be    B. will not be  
C. would not be D. would be
17. If the students ______ enough training on how to use
tablets for online exam, they ______ able to take the coming online exam confidently.
A. had been given/wouldn't have been  
B. hadn't been given/would have been
C. were given/would have been  
D. had been given/would have been
18. I would come if you _______ me. (G-12: NE)  
 A. invite               B. want to invite  
C. have invited    D. were to invite
19. If the students ______ enough training on how to use
tablets for online exam, they ______ able to take the coming online exam confidently.
A. hadn't been given/would have been  
B. hadn't been given/wouldn't have been
C. weren't given/would have been  
D. had been given/would have been
20. We will be wasting this year education; I wish coronavirus pandemic _______.
A. had occurred B. had not occurred 
C. did not occur D. occurred
21. If anyone had called, I ____ them she had not been at home. (G-12: NE) 
A. will tell              B. will have told 
C. will have told   D. would have told
22. We have wasted this year education; I wish coronavirus pandemic ________.
A. had occurred   B. had not occurred 
C. did not occur   D. occurred
23. Most of us are very discouraged; I wish we ______ our education due to coronavirus pandemic.
A. had stopped         B. had stopped 
C. had not stopped  D. did not stop
24. Most of us ______ if we ____ our education due to coronavirus pandemic. 
A. wouldn't have been discouraged/had not stopped 
B. would have been discouraged/had not stopped
C. wouldn't be discouraged/had not stopped 
D. wouldn't have been discouraged/had stopped
25. But for the fact that there were coronavirus outbreak, we _______ our education.
A. wouldn't have stopped 
B. would have stopped 
C. wouldn't stop 
D. would stop
26. But for the fact that there were coronavirus outbreak, we ______ our National Exam.
A. would not have taken 
B. would have taken 
C. would take 
D. would not take
27. It would be embarrassing ________ the truth. The good thing was that no one told her what had happened. (G-12: NE)
A. is she to find out 
B. has she to find out  
C. were she to find out 
D. had she to find out
28. If there were coronavirus outbreak, we ______ our National Exam.
A. would not have taken 
B. would have taken 
C. would take 
D. would not take
29. If there _____ coronavirus outbreak, we ______ our National Exam.
 A. had been/would have taken 
 B. had not been/wouldn't have take
 C. had not been/would have taken 
 D. were not/would have take
30. I wish I _________ my assignment now. (Oromia)
A. were doing B. have donedone
C. was doing D. am doing 


  1. Teacher hedduu galatoomi ammas mee handhandout Relative clause nuuf maxxansi very very thankyou hedduu sii jaalanna.


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