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Special Handouts, Worksheets, Grade 12 Entrance, Model Exams, Class Exams, Exam Techniques, Study Techniques.. ..): Free to download/save/print/read online [strengths & weaknesses]


As repeatedly mentioned, you can read our materials online (on Yes Supportive Education), you can also save/download/print and then read or share with anyone, anywhere, at any time for free! But each option has its own strengths and weaknesses! These are briefly summarized next.
Akkuma irra daddeebii'ee ibsameetti, maateeriyaaloota feetu 'online' dubbifta; feetu 'save' gootee, dubbifta; feetu 'download' gootee, feetu 'print' gootee, yeroo feete dubbisuu, abbaa feeteef 'share' goodhuu dandeessa! Filmaatoonni (online/save/download/print) kun hundii isaanii ciminaa fi hanqinoota mataa isaani qaban! Dura kana hubachuun barbaachisaadha!
ተደጋግሞ እንደ ተገለፀው ማቴሪያሎቻችን ከፈለጋችሁ በonline, 'save/download/print' አድርጋችሁ፣ በፈለጋችሁት ሰዓት ማንበብ ና ለፈለጋችሁት ሰው በነፃ 'share' ማድረግ ትችላላችሁ! ነገር ግን እያንዳንዱ አማራጭ (online/save/download/print) የራሱ የሆኑ ጠንካራ ና ደካማ ጎኖች አሉት! መጀመሪያ ይሄን መገንዘብ ያስፈልጋል!
=============/ /=============

1. Reading in Online/Online files/documents:

One of the options in which you can get our files/documents is that you can read them directly in online from our Website/Yes Tutorial!
Reading online files/documments (directly from our Website or any other) has many advantages and also disadvantages.

1.1. Advantages of Reading Online

Getting updated contents: 
  • If you read online, always you can get updated files/ documents.
  • We make updating on our files/ documents frequently.
  •  If you read in online, you don't need to refresh while reading to get updated version (of the material/ document you are reading)! Because it is already updated (if any)!
 Getting related links:
  • We give a number of related/additional links under each post (posted file/ document)!
  •  If you read in online, you will be able to get all interrelated links in one place!
Getting high quality contents:
The second main advantage is it enables you (the readers) to get high quality contents. You can get high quality, files/ documents! That means:
  • The contents are more attractive, memorable and also no page margins disordered
  • All the formattings (such coloring, underlining, italic, background color, font types.. ..) which are used to show the key points, to make the contents more attractive and memorable are not removed just like that of downloaded files/ documents.
  • Examples see comparison with that of under downloaded files/ documents.

1.2. Disadvantages/Weaknesses of Reading Online

In addition to the above advantages, online reading, has many disadvantages.  
Internet connection: you need to have Internet connection: you can't read without Internet connection!
Not shareable/not shared: you can't directly share 'online files/documments' with others/send to others. But you can share the links; you can even directly print online files/documents and use them later.

2. Reading by downloading our files/documents

This is the second option to get our materials (Yes Supportive Education Materials): you can download them and read later! That meams, you can read them by downloading them for free! Reading by downloading or reading downloaded files/documents has many advantages and disadvantages.

2.1. Advantages (2)

Any time + anywhere + without connection: You can read at any time, anywhere without any Internet connection!
Shareable: You can share the file with anyone, any time, anywhere, without any connection/cost!

2.2.  Disadvantages (3) 

- Lack Updated Contents: You can't get any update. We make 'updating' frequently.
- Lack of Related Links: You cannot get all the necessary 'links' that we give... A number of useful interrelated links are given at different places!
- Poor Qualities: downloaded files/ documents have poor qualities. 
  • All the formattings (such coloring, underlining, italic.. ..) which are used to show the key poinys and also to make the contents more attractive and memorable are removed when downloaded. 
  • Moreover, page margins may be disordered! (See pictures 1&2: compare them...). Picture 1 is online; picture 2 is downloaded material take from ----->Special Handout on  Adverbial Clauses!

3. Reading by saving files/documents:

This is the third option to read/use our files/documents. In other words, you can save and read later any time: you can save any file/document (from our Website/Yes Tutorial) that you want to read later! Reading by saving files/materials (saved files/documents) have many advantages and  disadvantages.

3.1. Advantages (2)

- Read any time without connection: You can read it at any time: no need of Internet/without any Internet connection.
- Getting high quality contents: You can also get high quality, files/ documents! That means:
  • The contents are more attractive, memorable and also no page margins disordered
  • All the formattings (such coloring, underlining, italic, background color, font types.. ..) which are used to show the key points, to make the contents more attractive and memorable are not removed just like that of downloaded files/ documents.

3.2. Disadvantage of Saved files/documents: 2

- Lack of getting updated version
This option (reading by saving files) has lack of getting updated version. 
  • If you use this option, you can't get getting updated version of the file you are reading! 
  • But you can refresh (by clicking refreshing button), you can get updated version (if any)!
- Not shared: You can't share saved files/documents directly with others/send to others. But you can share only the link (not the file); you can also print (directly the saved files/documents) and read later!

4. Reading by printing files/documents:

In addition to the above mentioned 3 options, you can also print our files/documents (directly from online/downloaded/saved files) read later any time (offline).
Since our files/documents are free, anyone (who has access) can directly print (from online /downloaded/saved files/documents) and use them later (other time).
This option has 2 advantages and 3 disadvantages.

4.1. Advantages (2)

- Any time + anywhere + without connection: You can read at any time, anywhere without any Internet connection!
- Shareable: You can share the file with anyone, any time, anywhere, without any connection/cost!

4.2. Disadvantages (3)

- Poor qualities contents  
- Updating and related links
- Cost for print: As opppsed to all the above 3 options, to read printed files/documents, it costs/needs money to print the file/document.
Note: The first and the second disadvantages are more or less the same as that of downloaded files/documents (see under downloaded files/documents!


  1. The most disadvantage of online reading is cost!!!!

    1. Yes! But you don't need to read online! You can either save or download and read at any time without Internet connection! One of the main purposes of this post is to show these (how to save/download)!


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