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GRADE 12: ENGLISH: MID-EXAM: Semester One: 2013/2021: @ CHERCHER SECONDARY SCHOOL: By Million Abebe (2023)

PART ONE: Grammar Questions: 35 MARKS

1. I wanted to go with you to the film _____ I couldn't because my mother was ill.
A. thus,                         B. so that      
C. for example,         D. but
2. Your idea is good. We will do ______ you suggest.
A. like                    B. as   
C. as if                  D. look like
3. Dawit is very fast. He runs _____ cheetah.
A. as                  B. like   
C. as though     D. look like
4. When she _____ a job, we ___ her a good husband.
A. will get/will find    
B. gets/will find 
C. gets/find    
D. will gets/will find
5. I don't think Arsenal _____ the Champion this year.
A. will win                     B. wins  
C. is going to win        D. will wins
6. My silver earrings would go very well with this dress. I wish I _____ them.
A. had lost               B. did not lose  
C. has not lost        D. had not lost
7. My silver earrings would have gone very well with this dress if I ______ them.
A. had not lost            B. did not lose  
C. had lost                   D. lost
8. My father presided over the meal. ______ it was the presence of my mother that made itself felt first of all. 
A. Because              B. Nevertheless,      
C. As a result,         D. Thus,
9. Some students make little effort for their exam ________ their marks are very poor.
A. thus,                       B. so that      
C. for example,         D. but
10. The killing of civilians in Metekal and Micadra are ______ that I have ever known. 
A. the least saddening    
B.  the most saddening    
C. as saddening as   
D. more saddening than
11. What an awful thing! I thought the weather would be _______ in April, but it actually got _____. 
A. better/worse     B. worse/better    
C. good better       D. good/worse
12. According to a recent survey, young drivers are ______ likely to have an accident. 
A. the worse      B. the more      
C. the worst       D. the most  
13. I tried to contact him no ______ than ten times. 
A. more                B. fewer     
C. as much as     D. greater
14. Dear Customer, you spent less than 200 Birr during last 30 days ______ you can't get 25 Birr credit.
A. so that      B. because       
C. but,           D. ; therefore,
15. Dear Customer, you need to spend at least 200 Birr during last 30 days ______ you can get 25 Birr credit  and above. 
A. so as to        B. so that      
C. but                D. in order to that
16. Dear Customer, you can't get 25 Birr credit. _________ you spent less than 200 Birr during last 30 days. 
A. Due to the fact that      B. Because of       
C. However,                        D. Therefore,
17. There was huge mass demonstration to show the supports for Prosperity Party, in Chiro Town 4 days ago.
______  our class was cancelled.
A. As                                  B. Due to       
C. For this reason,           D. As a result of
18. _____ there was huge mass demonstration to show the supports for Prosperity Party, in Chiro Town 4 days
ago, our class was cancelled.
A. As                            B. Although        
C. Concerning            D. As a result of
19.  _____ huge mass demonstration in the town, our exam schedule was cancelled and the exam was
postponed to the next week. 
A. Because of                B. Due to the fact that   
C. No matter how         D. No matter
20. The teacher said that our exam was postponed to the next week due to mass demonstration in the town,
today. I wish our exam _______.
A. had not been postponed     
B. had been postponed     
C. did not postpone     
D. were postponed
21. It is common to see that if there is demonstration in a town, the classes ______.
A. are cancelled       B. cancel      
C. will cancel           D. will be cancelled
22. It is common to see that ____ there is huge mass demonstration in the town, there is ______ the class
cancellation in the schools. 
A. the more/the less          
B. more and more     
C. the more/the more   
D. the more and the more
23. I feel that the new grade 12 online exam system will be _______ complicated than the old one.
A. more               B. the most      
C. the more         D. as
24. I feel that the new grade 12 online exam system may not be _____ the old one.  
A. as simple than       
B. so simple as     
C. more simple than          
D. simpler than
25. If grade 12 students exam is successfully given in online system, for me, it will be one of _____ embarrassing thing that ever happened to me, in education system.
A. the most          B. most      
C. the more          D. more
26. The Prime Minister is getting ______ patient to those politically motivated actions exercised in the country.
A. the more and the more  
B. more and more        
C. more and stronger   
D. more and most
27. His life has been different from his family ___ he does not forget his family.
A. but                              B. even though       
C. no matter how          D. no matter
28. ______ his life has been different from his family, he does not forget his family.
A. Due to the fact that      
B. Even though   
C. No matter how          
D. No matter
29. ______ different his life from his family, he does not forget his family.
A. Although                              B. No matter how     
C. In spite of the fact that     D. No matter
30. Unless his wife ______ ill, he____ with you to the film.
A. is/will not go       B. is not/will go      
C. is/will go              D. was/would have gone
31. In Myanmar/Burma, the Southeast Asian country, The Military Force has once more taken over the country.
_____ it has declared a year-long state of emergency.
A. As a result of       B. Thus,       
C. Although              D. Because
32. But for the fact that my mother was ill, I ______ with you to the film.
A. would have gone   
B. would not go      
C. would go   
D. would not have gone
33. But for the fact that my mother is ill, I ______ with you to the film.
A. would have gone   
B. would not go  
C. would go   
D. would not have gone
34. If his wife ______ ill, he____ with you to the film.
A. had been/would have gone      
B. had not been/would not have gone
C. had not been/would have gone      
D. was not /would not go
35. Had his wife been ill, he____ with you to the film.
A. would not have gone   
B. would have gone      
C. would not go       
D. would go
    PART TWO: Vocabulary Questions: 5 MARKS
36. There are a lot of ______ outside this class; these could _____ your attention.
A. distractions/distract      
B. distracts/distraction 
C. expansions/expand      
D. expansions/expansion
37. I always ______ my younger brothers until my mom gets back from work place.
A. take after         B. look after      
C. get on with      D. get up
38. Since she got pregnancy in mistake, she decided to have _________.
A. abort                                     B. abortion       
C. to take birth control      D. to get baby
39. Biden takes after his father.  The meaning of the underlined phrase ________.
A. to make progress       
B. to look like      
C. to receive something     
D. to disappoint   
40. Obama always _________ early morning to study before coming to school.
 A. gets up       B. gets on      
C. grow up      D. gets out  


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