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Exam Techniques for Vocabulary Questions: Familiarity + Elimination Technique (FET): By Million Abebe (MA in English and B. Ed. Degree in Pedagogy): 2022

Familiarity + Elimination Technique (FET)


Vocabulary questions are one of the most challenging sections (among the 7 sections in English Exams), just like passage and coherence questions. That is why "Familiarity + elimination technique (FET)" has carefully been designed. 
Familiarity + elimination technique (FET) is process of making sure whether each word is familiar word or not and then eliminating all unrelated choices by cross-checking with the given context. 
The next 3 sub-topics are breifly discussed:

1. Principles: 3 key points to be considered
2. Procedures: 2 key steps to be followed  
3. Application: Explanations on Grade 12 Entrance Exam: English: 2013: Vocabulary
If you want the questions -----> 2013&2004: Grade 12 Entrance: Vocabulary Questions

1. Principles: 3 Key Points 

Dear students/anyone reading this material, if you want to be successful inanswering vocabulary questions, you should give more attention to the next 3 key points:

1.1. Majority of the words/phrases are familiar/known:

You have to have a belief that majority of the words/phrases, which are given on examinations (class/model/entrance), are familiar words. Familiar words means day-to-day words or words that have been included in students Textbooks, especially in English. For example, I proved that majority of the words/phrases (Grade 12: Entrance Exams: English) are "familiar words"! Anyone can prove this by making survey (looking for) and to make sure that whether he/she knows each word/phrase on each choice under each question. 
I proved these! See the next table and discussion under it!

1.2. Avoid using dictionary/mobile dependency:

Do try to use/ plan to use dictionary/mobile on the coming exam. This is very dangerous; it damages your confidence!

1.3. Use every opportunity to learn new words

Whenever you see new words, don't jump them: learn them!

2. Procedures: 2 Key Steps 

As it has been mentioned above, familiarity + elimination technique (FET) is process of making sure whether each word is familiar word or not and then eliminating all unrelated choices by cross-checking with the given context. To use the techniques, follow the next two simple steps:

2.1. Assuring familiarity of words

Before directly going to give answer/to choose correct answer, first assure/make the familiarity of the given words. Look the words on each choice and know how many of them are familiar words and how many of them are unfamiliar.
Note: The more the given words are familiar (to you), the higher your probability of getting (correct answer). 100% familiarity means that you know all the given 4 words (on the choices: 4/4).
  • 100% (4/4) familiarity.. . 100% PG (probability of getting)
  • 75% (3/4) familiarity.. . 100% PG
  • 50% (2/4) familiarity.. .50-100% PG
  • 25% (1/4) familiarity.. .33-100% PG
  • 0% (0/4) familiarity.. .25-100% PG

2.2. Cross-checking and elimination

The second step is eliminating unrelated choices by cross-checking each choice with the given context. Take a given word; think/ remember about it (its meaning/s, the way and/or the context it is used....); then compare it with the given context and finally eliminate unrelated choices.  

3. Application of the Techniques

Let me show you how to apply "familiarity + elimination techniques' by taking Grade 12 Entrance Exam: English: 2013/2021 vocabulary questions.

Q. 1.They heard it on the radio that the _____ where they store expensive electronic materials was on fire. I heard that the damage it inflicted is estimated at five million birr.
A. classroom  B. auditorium 
C. hall              D. warehouse
Explanation 1
This question could be answered (100% sure) by applying the above technique/following the 2 procedures: 'assuring familiarity of words' and then 'eliminating unrelated choices' by cross-checking the choices and the given context.
Look the words on each choice; 75% (3/4) of them are familiar words; except the word on choice B (auditorium). Familiar words means day-to-day words or words that have been included in students Textbooks, especially in English. Look, for example, "classroom" and "hall" are day-to-day words. The word "warehouse" has been included in students textbook (MoE, 2011: Grade 12 English Textbook...).
The second step is eliminating unrelated choices by cross-checking the each choice with the given context. Take a given word; think/ remember about it (its meaning/s, the way and/or the context it is used....); then compare it with the given context and finally eliminate unrelated choices.  
For example, take the word 'classroom' (A) and remember about it; it is a room/building for learning/teaching (from your previous knowledge). Compare this with the given context! Look the context (all the 3 sentences); nothing has been mentioned about this (in the context). Similarly, take the word 'hall' (C) and do the same. It is a large room/building for public meeting/concerts... Compare this with the given context: nothing has been said. Both choices A&C are unrelated choices/wrong answers: eliminate them.

Take the word 'warehouse' and remember about it (its meaning/s, the way and/or the context in which it is used); it is a building/storage for goods. Compare this with the given context: it goes directly with the given context: clues "store", "electronic materials"...
Ans. D
  • If a given word is familiar word, you have previous knowledge about it. Previous knowledge refers your knowledge about a given word (its meaning/s, the way and/or the context it is used....).
  • Using previous knowledge means, taking a given word and thinking/ remembering about it (its meaning/s, the way and/or the context it is used....); then comparing this with the given context, to see whether the given word/phrase goes with the given context or not.
Quick Summary
Next, the above explanation is briefly summarized (how the question has been answered by applying 'familiarity + elimination technique) so that you will be able to understand the technique and also use it to answer other vocabulary questions easily.
♦ We did these: assured the familiarity of the given words and then eliminated unrelated choices by cross-checking the choices and the given context. 
While 'cross-checking', we took each word and thought/remembered about it (by brining our previous knowledge about the word: its meaning/purposes...); compared that with the given context. Finally, eliminated 'unrelated choices'

Q2. I will never forget my stay in this company. I enjoyed working with you as my boss and I ______ meeting you again sometime in my life.
 A. like                    B. look forward to  
C. will wait until  D. wish
Explanation 2
Look the words on each choice; all of them are familiar words (assured familiarity). Now, bring your previous knowledge about each word/phrase, cross-check with the given context and eliminate unrelated choices. For example, from your previous knowledge, the words 'like' and 'wish' are followed by infinitive with to. Cross-check with the given context; look the blank space is followed by gerund not by infinitive. These words don't go in line with the given context: the choices (A & D) are unrelated choices. 
Take the phrase on choice B (look forward to) and think about it: from your previous knowledge, it is followed by 'gerund'. Look the blank space is followed by gerund ('meeting). This phrase directly go in line with the given context: choice B is related choice.
Ans. B
Q.3. We will need to revolutionize our work culture. Everyone should be convinced that ______ comes through hard work and embrace for that. Otherwise, we remain poor forever.
A. prosperity  B. popularity 
C. authority D. reputation
Explanation 3
To answer this question, first assure the familiarity of the given words (how many of them are familiar words?). To do so, look the words on each choice (above); 75% of them are familiar words (common, everyday words/ day-to-day words): except the word 'reputation' (on choice D). Then 'cross-check' each choice with 'the given context' and eliminate all 'unrelated choices'. To do that, look the given context and grasp (understand the general idea)! As you can see, the context talks about 'economic development' (clues: the words like 'changing work culture', 'hard work' and 'poor forever'). Now, go to the choices and look for word which could go with this context. Or ask yourself  and answer the question "Which word could go with this context?".
Take choice A (the word 'prosperity') and think/remember about it (from your previous knowledge), the word 'prosperity' deals with 'economic development'. This means, choice A has 'direct relationship' with the given context. As mentioned above, if you have proved that a given choice has 'direct relationship' with the given context, that could be correct answer. 
 Ans. A
Note: summary: how answered
We assured the familiarity of the words (75%); looked at 'the given context' and proved that it talks about 'economic development'; then began to 'cross-check' each choice with this context. But based on your previous knowledge, you were able to make sure that choice A goes with the given context directly (the word 'prosperity' on choice 'A' deals with 'economic development'). Ans. A

Q.4. Your room is still ______! Remember, I told you to get your stuff organize when I visited you last time. If I found the same next time, make sure you would be out.
A. crowded B. suffocated 
C. untidy D. unclean
Explanation 4
Before going to choose the answer, first assure/make the familiarity of the given words. As can be seen from the words on the given choices, except the word on choice C ('untidy'), the rest words are common and familiar words (75% familiarity: day-to-day words).
Now, take each choice (note: take the most familiar word to the least familiar word); think about it (its meaning/the context or the way it could be used...) and cross-check with the given context; finally, eliminated unrelated choices. For example, take the word 'crowded', it deals with 'large number of something/people...'; look the context; but nothing has been said about this. The same is true for both choices B and D: nothing has been mentioned in the given context. The word 'suffocated' (B) is used to talk about 'bad smell' but there is no idea/collocation which could go with this. 'Unclean' (D) deals with (dirty). Look all the above 3 sentences; nothing has been said: all the 3 choices are unrelated choices: they should be eliminated as they can't be correct. Whether you like or not choice C must be answer.
Ans. C

Q.5. It rained all of a sudden and brought the game to an unexpected _______. The good thing, however, was that it stopped in fifteen minutes and the match continued.
A. halt B. finish 
C. confusion D. circumstance
Explanation 5
You can answer this and other vocabulary questions by applying the above procedures! 'Assuring the familiarity' of the given words, 'cross-checking' each choice (meaning/the way it is used) with the given context (the general ideas of the context); then 'eliminating' all unrelated choices. Finally, you will get correct answer (upon which you could be 100%!)!
Look the above words; all them are familiar words (100%): they are common, day-to-day words. Now, take each word and think about it (from your previous knowledge: its meaning, the way it is used). For example, from your previous knowledge, the word 'halt' means 'stop'. When we cross-check this with the general ideas of the sentences/context, the word (halt) directly goes with this. Because of the rain, the game was stopped. Moreover, the second sentence mentioned directly: "it stopped ...".  
Ans. A

Q. 6. New school have been opened in almost all corners of Ethiopia during the last two decades and ________ has increased by nearly ten-folds. We now have almost all school age children in the system.
A. quantity B. education 
C. enrolment D. schooling
Explanation 6
All (100%) of these words are familiar words (*'enrolment'... covered in class/English Textbook: grade 11...). Now, take each choice and cross-check with the given context.
Almost all school age children are in the system
Some may not know the word 'enrolment'.
'Quantity' refers to numbers/amount of things. But this word will be contextually meaningless. Because it creates the question ''Quantity of what?". Both 'education' and 'schooling' are related terms which refer to what to be learned. But nothing has been said, directly, about 'learning' in the given context. So, choices A, B & D will eliminated: they unrelated choices. 
 Ans. C
'Enrolment' refers number of school age children/people who joined education systems/ being registered. Look both sentences: more new schools were opened and more school age children are in the education system. There is direct collocation words '... school age children in education system'. 

Q.7. If you have to go abroad for education, one of the things you have to be worried is ________. You have to be sure of where you are going to stay before you leave this country.
 A. facilities B. accommodation 
C. stipend D. provisions
Explanation 7
Except the word 'stipend', the rest 3 words are familiar words: 'accommodation' (found in English Textbooks...).
the second sentence explained the first idea more: it is a place where to stay.
Cross-check 'the given context' with each choice. 'The context' talks about 'going abroad: the issues to be carefully considered: the place to stay'. Go to the choices and look for the choice that could go with such context. Choices A&D don't have any relationship with the given context: as the words 'facilities' and 'provisions' have nothing to do with 'going abroad'/ 'the place to stay'. 'Facilities' refers to materials; 'provisions' refers to supplying something. Both don't have any relation with going abroad or with the given context. Choices A & D are unrelated choices. On the other hand 'accommodation' refers to a place where to stay. This has direct relationship with going abroad or with the given context. Moreover, look the second sentence directly mentioned this "where to stay'.
Ans. B

Note: If you are given two or more sentences, look carefully the sentence/s before or after the sentence in which you are asked (to complete the given blank space or substitute). 

Q.8. We are fed up of people killing each other in this country. We want to see all ethnic groups _________ with one another and lead a peaceful life as they once did
 A. intervened B. compromised 
C. mediated D. reconciled
Explanation 8
All these words are familiar words; these are words which are, generally, used in conflict resolution/management contexts but each of them has some specific contextual difference. For example, 'intervened', 'compromised' and 'mediated' are used ... the process/the way how to solve a given conflict. But the word on choice D (reconciled) refers to the result ... Now, cross-check these with the given context. Look the context, the expression "we want to see" indicates that the writer wants to see the conflict is solved and lead peaceful life (this is about result; not about the process)....
Ans. D
Q.9. Despite our resistance, he decided to quit his studies and "take up" music. He has now been doing it for two months and I don't even want to know the progress he is in this regard.
A. start B. play 
C. sing D. major in
Explanation 9
All these 4 words are familiar words: everyday words except 'major in' which is related to field of studies.
The general idea of the given sentences/context is that the person stopped his study and began music. The speaker is getting angry with this (see sentences 1&2). The underlined word (take up) refers the beginning of other work (music). When you cross-check this with the given choices, the word 'start' can go with this directly.
Ans. A
Note: Sometimes, focusing on collocation words is misleading. For example, all the given words (on the above choices) could go with (more or less) the word music except 'start'. Therefore, the safest way is reading the whole sentences/ideas and trying to understand what is intended to say. 

Q.10. A very important lesson I learned from Kokeb is that you don't have to "rely" on anyone. People respect you when you are self-sufficient, particularly financially.
A. depend B. beg 
C. entreat D. trouble
Explanation 10
Except the word 'entreat' (which is relatively the same as 'beg'), all the rest are familiar words. The word 'rely' by itself is familiar word which is used to say 'depend'.
If the underlined word/phrase is familiar, it is easy to get the correct meaning. Especially, if the given words... have more contextual meaning.
In this question, look the choices, there is direct word (A. depend).
Ans. A
Note: the second sentence explained the idea in directly or in the opposite way (self-sufficient).
Q.11. Problems in this country are getting more and more complex from time to time. However, ways should be sought to "overcome" them and start thinking about development.
A. solve B. overpower 
C. defeat D. handle
Explanation 11
Look all these words are familiar (100%) words: they are common/day-to-day words.  The words 'overpower' & 'defeat' have nothing to do with 'problem': choices B&C should be eliminated; they are unrelated choices. 'Defeat' refers to winning something/somebody with which/ whom struggling/competing. 'Overpower'... being/getting stronger/ more powerful. Nothing has been said about both of these. 'Solve' & 'handle' could go with 'problems' but think/remember carefully
Note: think carefully!
Whenever you are given such words: two or more words which could have relationship with the given context, think carefully before choosing correct answer. In such case, you have to choose contextually correct/meaningful word/phrase by thinking carefully about each word and trying to remember their unique features (the way ...); then cross-checking each of them (the choices.. .) with given context and eliminating unrelated choice/s.
Think carefully about each word and try to remember about each of them (their unique features: the way ...) and cross-check each of them (the choices.. .) with given context and eliminate unrelated choice/s.
For example, look the above choices, the word 'solve' is about finding solution for a given problem. Whereas the word 'handle' is used to say 'controlling' problems/ situations which are getting increased. Look the given sentences; they talk about problems which are 'getting increased' and 'there must be ways to overcome'. Cross-check the two choices ('solve & handle) with these sentences. Choice D could go directly with the given sentences.
Ans. D
Prove: the word 'overcome' is by itself familiar word (I believe to most students). Controlling difficult situations/problems ...
Q. 12. If he is visually "impaired", tell him he should learn how to use braille. Otherwise, things will be hard for him when it comes to reading and writing.
A. unable B. damaged 
C. disabled D. weakened
Explanation 12
Look each word on each choice; none of them is new word: familiar words. common ... English Textbook ..
The given sentences about person who has visual problem.. . by using 'collocation'; the word 'impaired'/ impairment goes with 'disability'/disabled.. . Eliminate all the choices except C.
Ans. C

Q. 13. It is important to "conserve" some of our peace building traditions and pass them down to the coming generation. On the other hand, there are others that should be done away with.
A. stock B. appreciate 
C. enjoy D. keep
Explanation 13
The word 'conserve' is familiar and common/day-to-day word. If both the underlined word/phrases and also those on each choice are familiar words, they don't need that much efforts. You can answer simply by cross-checking the given word/phrase with the given choices and choosing the best answer or eliminate all unrelated choices.
Ans. D
Q. 14. Why are you worried about her? I know she is "capable". Just leave her alone and you will see how beautifully she would do it.
A. diligent B. competent 
C. clever D. bright
Explanation 14
Except the word 'diligent' (which I think may not be familiar to most students), the rest words are familiar and common/day-to-day words. The underlined word 'capable' is also familiar and common/day-to-day word (having abilities to do a given work). Look each choice (B-D); the word 'competent' could directly go with the given the underlined word 'capable'.
Ans. B
Q. 15. Your persistent complaints have now started to "irritate" me. How come that your eyes can't see anything positive of wh
A. itch  B. annoy  
C. prick  D. disgust
Explanation 15
The underlined word 'irritate' is familiar word. Think/ remember about it; it is used to say 'make someone annoy/angry' or making skill feel pain. When a given word/phrase has two and more than different meanings, look carefully the given context before choosing the correct answer. Now, look the given sentences; the speak expressed his/her feeling not what happened to his/her skin.
Ans. B

Q. 16. I heard a big bang in the middle of the night. Did the firearms in the depot "go off" or was it something else.
A. catch fire B. burn down 
C. heat up D. explode  
Explanation 16
All of the above given words/phrases are familiar words ... But all them have something in common: they could be used to talk about accidents. In such cases, think about the unique features of each word/phrase and then eliminate unrelated choices by cross-checking with the given context.
For example, look among the given words/phrases, those on choices A-C refer 'fire'; whereas the word 'explode' is used to describe something which has high sounds... The expression 'heard a big bang' directly go with this or the given word.
Ans. D


  1. Yes teacher, as I think FET technique very useful technique but, just like exam how can manege your time with this technique, Please say something for time management.

  2. Teacher mata duree tokko tokko malef video nuf hin hojjate sila garii ture

  3. Barsiisa ko wanni atti nuf gadha jirtuu bayye itti fayyadama jira garu porshina tokko tokko video sila itti nu daleyde halan iira milkahuu dandenya ture.


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