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English Worksheet for Grades 9-12 Students: on "as, like, as though, as if..." by Million Abebe (MA in English): 2013/21

English Worksheet for Grades 9-12 Students: on "as, like, as though, as if..." by  Million Abebe (MA in English): 2013/21
Challenge 1

1. Some politicians and activists surprise me when they talk _______ the whole society assigned them although they know that no one has assigned them to fight us.
A. as   B. just like  C. as if  D. like
2. We all know that Mikael is one of the teachers in the school but everywhere he goes, he talks and acts _______ politician/activist.
A. as though  B. just like  C. as  D. unlike
3. We all know that Mikael is one of the teachers in the school but everywhere he goes, he talks and acts _______ he were politician/activist.
A. as   B. as though  C. as soon as D. like
4. Nowadays, we are getting confused; everywhere we go we see many ordinary people (____ you and me) who give detail analysis ______ political analyst.
A. like/like  B. like/as  C. as/like  D. just like/as though
5. Nowadays, we are getting confused; everywhere we go we see many ordinary people (______ you and me) who give detail analysis ______ they were political analyst.
A. like/like  B. like/as  C. as/like  D. just like/as though
6. Gelane works in international television station _____ her elder sister.
A. as  B. as though   C. as if  D. just like
7. Gelane works in international television station _____ her elder sister does.
A. as if  B. like  C. as  D. just like
8. Gelane works in international television station _____ journalist.
A. as   B. just like  C. as if  D. like
9. Gelane works in international television station _____ her elder sister always suggests.
A. as if  B. like  C. as  D. just like
10. Gelane has been dreaming to work in international television stations _____ BBC, CNN, Aljazzera, CGTN...
A. as if  B. like  C. as  D. just like
11. I have been using online tutorials ________ one of the key learning places. I have got a lot of knowledge.
A. as though  B. just like  C. as  D. like
12. That woman looks ________ my grandmother.
A. as   B. just like  C. as if  D. like
13. _____ natural science stream, in social science stream also there are a lot of fields _____ economics, accounting, political science etc.
A. As/ just like B. Just like/like C. Like/as D. As though/like
14. Our school, _____ other schools, has been closed due to coronavirus outbreak. ______ our school is providing us with online pdfs that enable us to attend our learning.
A. just like/ As a result of As a result, C. just like/ Because D. like/Hence
15. Our school is providing us with online pdfs that enable us to attend our learning _____ our school, ____ other schools, has been closed due to coronavirus outbreak.
A. as/ as B. because of/ just like C. thus/as D. due to the fact that/like

Challenge 2

1. Obama has painted his car black color _____ your car's.
A. as B. just like C. as if D. look like
2. Oh! I __ the bright color that Obama has also painted his car ___ you had painted yours.
A. like/as if B. like/like C. like/ as D. as/ looks like
3. Current UK Prime Minister is taking quick and controversial decisions.... Trump did.
A. looks like B. like C. as if D. as
4. Current UK Prime Minister is taking quick and controversial decisions _______ the ones that were taken by Trump previously.
A. as B. looks like C. as if D. just like
5. Current UK Prime Minister is taking quick and controversial decision that ..... Trump's.
 A. as B. looks like C. as if D. just like
6. Joe Biden has been elected _____ the 46th US President; it is expected that he will have more positive impacts _____ his friend Obama.
A. like/as B. as/as C. as/like D. like/like
7. I like my cycle very much as I use it for various transportations ____ car to carry materials.
A. like  B. looks like C. as  D. just like
8. It is interesting! Joe Biden has been elected _____ the 46th US President; it is expected that he will have more positive impacts _______ his friend Obama did some years ago.
 A. like/as B. as/as C. as/like D. like/like
9. It is expected that Biden will appoint Obama ______ one of his advisers ______ Obama did during his Presidency.
A. like/like B. like/as C. as/like D. as/as
10. As soon as election ended, Donald Trump declared ______ he won the election for the second time without the recognition of the Election Board.
A. as B. as if C. as though like D. just like 

ANSWERS and EXPLANATIONS TO English Worksheet for Grades 9-12 Students: on "as, like, as if..." (2013/21)


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